Chapter One

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"I need to get laid, guys."

Taehyung smirked at me as he gulped his shot and Jin just blushed at my statement. I looked at my friends, smirking as I drank the shot in my hand.

I had met Taehyung in the first year of elementary school and we became best friends. When we got to the fifth grade, we met Jin,  who was in the eighth grade, and our group has been inseparable ever since, even going to college together.

At the age of 23, I am working as a vocal teacher and choreographer at BigHit company, while Taehyung is a renown photographer and Jin has a successful chain of restaurants. He is still a chef of his main restaurant here in Seoul, but only cooks thrice a week as the rest of  his time goes to the management of the other restaurants.

"Can't relate." Taehyung smirked. "And Jin hyung is still a virgin, so he can't relate either."

"Shut up, Taehyung. You didn't need to announce it to the world." He said grumpily, while he blushed even more.

Jin was the kind of the person who wanted to wait for the right person to come around and his last long relationship didn't end so well, so Jin closed off his heart and doesn't want to think about romance anytime soon. Since he left that relationship two years ago, he has been living with Taehyung in an apartment a block away from mine.

We would tease Jin about him being a virgin, but we respect his decision and never have force him to change that fact about him. Quite the opposite. I thought as I remembered how me and Taehyung have saved Jin from inappropriate advances countless times.  

"Well, Taehyung, I can't sleep around with the people I worked with like you. To be honest, there is just a handful who are my type in there."

Taehyung would sleep around with some models he worked with, but just flings. "I thought you didn't want a serious relationship. Why we are you being so picky? Just find a random dude and get over with it."

"Well, just because I want a dick up my ass that doesn't mean I will lower my standards. I am needy, not desperate." I scoffed as I asked for another drink.

Truth to be told, this is probably the longest time without sex: five long months. Last time, I had got drunk and had sex with a random guy. Conclusions from that night: never EVER hook up with a random dude in a shady bathroom. But oh well...

Since I lost my virginity at the age of 16, I had only flings with some people who I was sexually attracted. That was until at the age of 21, when I first got my "real boyfriend", only lasting six months, since I hated the commitment and overall the relationship was not great. Since then, I never really wanted to have a serious relationship in the time being.

"Well, why don't you ask your housemate? He is hot and available." Taehyung said in a singing voice. I rolled my eyes.

Min Yoongi, a 25-year-old music producer and composer, also working at my company and my housemate for one year and half. Although he could be a little bit grumpy in the morning, Yoongi was an amazing person to live with: always respecting my space and the noise boundaries that we had established. Furthermore, he knew how to cook, and we had an agreement when he cooked, I would clean the dishes. Things ran smoothly between us and it was absolutely amazing.

"No. Yoongi is hot as fuck, but I like to live with him way too much to jeopardize that." I said, finishing another shot.

After that, the conversation took another direction as Jin and Taehyung complained about their neighbour, who was making extremely noise when he broke things, which occur frequently even at what Jin considered ungodly hours.

After many drinks and even more laughs, the guys, who were sober than me, took me home.


I have been working for some hours now on a song and lost completely the track of time, when i heard the doorbell.

I left my room and went to the door, checking who it was, even though I had a clue.

I open the door and my eyes met a sleepying mess Jimin, who was being held up by his two weird friends, Jin and Taehyung. I knew he would be back drunk. Almost every friday he does the same.

"Good night, thing one and thing two. Bring him to the kitchen." I said nonchalantly, as I go to the kitchen preparing a milkshake for Jimin, which will ease his hangover tomorrow.

I hear Taehyung complaining between his teeth, nevertheless still following me to the kitchen.

"Please take care of him." Jin says as he plays with Jimin's honey blonde locks and I nodded, before they both leave our apartment.

I look at my housemate, who is softly sleeping, and my hand brushes some hair strands off his eyes.

I start preparing Jimin's milkshake and when I was finishing it, I feel two arms hugging me from behind. Jimin is a clingy drunk.

"Hyungie, I have missed you." He says in a baby voice.

"Let hyung go and sit so you can have your healing milkshake." I say, as I put the blue liquid in a cup, while Jimin is still hugging me like a koala.

I watch as he drinks the whole thing, wrinkling his nose as the flavour hits him.

This whole process had become a habit at friday's nights as Jimin would always go out with his friends. Normally, Jimin would drink the milkshake and go straight to bed. However, today the younger boy seemed to want to talk as he was a honest drunk.

"What is bothering you, Jiminie?" I ask, sensing his hesitation.

"It's stupid, hyung... you don't want to hear it..." Jimin says, while biting his plump lip.

I sigh and I scratch the back of my neck. "Jimin, I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to hear it."

"I miss getting laid." He confessed and to say I was surprised was an understatement. My next words got caught in my throat and I didn't know what to say. "The thing is I am not looking for a relationship."

"Why not?" The words flew out of my mouth before I could process. Park Jimin was still a mystery to me, since we either made small talk or just talked about our days at work. I knew some things about his friends and he knew some things about my friends. However, we never talked about our past and more intimate things.

"Well relationships take time and commitment and I love my independence way too much. My last boyfriend was way too possessive, and things ended badly. That's when we started living together." He tells me, smiling softly. "But I don't like hooking up randomly and, to be honest, no one caught my eye recently. Well, apart from you that's it."

I feel my face warmer as a blush appears on it and I look away. "Oh shit! Sorry, hyung. Argh I made things awkward. No, no. Please don't stop being my housemate!"

I laugh at his ranting and touch his arm slightly. "Jimin, I do find you attractive too. Don't worry about it."

The younger boy resembled a tomato now and giggled slightly. "I am going to bed, before I embarrass myself even more." He tells me, getting up and hugged me. "Thank you for the milkshake. You are the best, hyung."

I watched him go to his room before going to mine. As I was lying down in my bed, I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin's problem and that I might have a solution for it.


Thank you for reading!
Lots of love!

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