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Thor walked over to the cell, Loki's back was to him, he was fiddling with his ears. Loki could not hear him approach but he felt the wall behind him shake making him turn. Thor stood there staring at him, his expressionless face changed and his lips begun to move with words to which Loki could not understand. He felt the all too familiar tears dancing down his pale cheeks. His head went down to his lap where his hands were cuffed. Thor looked at his brother's face full of sorrow. Loki finally spoke quietly "I can't hear you brother, the Others have taken my immortality because I failed him." his words did not sound full of his sly lies, they were full of weakness and despair. Looking up at his brother another tear fell to the metal floor. Thor's voice shook the glass cell "If this is one of your tricks brother, believe me, I will not fall for it!" His words fell on Loki's deaf ears. He said not a word and Thor left to speak to the Avengers.

Tony was in the kitchen along with Natasha and Clint, who was cooking. "Whats Reindeer Game's problem?" Tony asked uncaringly to Thor as he reclined on a chair. "My brother is saying that some other being has taken his immortality, he also acts as though he can not hear me." Thor sighs unsure what was the truth. "You think he has gone deaf?" Natasha asked. "Asgardians can't go deaf, but if he is telling the truth then it is possible," Thor said into the palms of his hands as he rubbed his face. "We will have Banner check him out for injuries," Tony said still without a care in his voice.
Thor watched the monitor that had a clear view of Loki's cell. His brows narrowed. This was not my brother, the god of mischief, siting is a prison full of a lust for power. This was a broken man who wept in a cell.

Banner went down to Loki's cell. He was laying in the floor sleeping his face still stained from crying. Bruce walked in and he did not stir. "Loki. Loki... LOKI!" His scream did not even make Loki jump. Was he dead? No, His chest was moving. The doctor moved closer and lightly tapped Loki's shoulder. He whipped his head around causing Banner to stumble back. "Sorry, just making sure you ok, I'm here to check your hearing as well as fix that ankle." His explanation was met with Lokis confused face.
The doctor started to approach him, Loki shuffled himself into a corner unsure of what the monster was planning. His foot hit the wall making Loki wince.
Banner kept persisting and finally got Loki to relax enough to look in his ears. He did some tests and wrapped his ankle. Loki was in pain so Bruse tried to give him some pills to which he refused. Bruce would have to start an iv. He knew his needle would do nothing to a God, but if Loki was telling the truth it should work. As Banner pulled out the butterfly needle Loki began yelling "No no no, won't work." Even though he could not hear, he sure could speak. Loki's words were loud and unclear. He looked in terror as the needle to pierce his now delicate skin. He was mortal.

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