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I cannot believe my eyes, is it really her? Did I drink more than a cup already?

I tried to blink my eyes a few times just to make sure my vision was not compromised by 1 cup of drink.

"Kate? Is that you?"

"W-What are you? H-How did you? I mean, is that really you?"

I know I made a complete fool out of myself for stuttering like that, I just couldn't believe that she was here, in front of me.

The last time I heard from her was that night, it was 8 months ago and it feels like ages.

She had changed much from her hair to her make-up, she cut it shoulder length and its bottom is curly, it actually gave her the complete opposite of her looks before. Now, she looks .. different. Very very different. The innocence on her face that caught me is not there anymore, the way she dresses now is a bit slutty, and the way she looks at me, it doesn't melt me like it used to be, they look flirty now.

"Hi Jen, surprised?" I didn't even see any trace of shyness in her voice or uncertainty in her body movement in the way she was looking at me right now. She's actually very confident.

What the hell happened to the innocent and shy Kate I used to know?

"What? No. Well, yeah. The last time I heard about you were you transferring schools."

I was shaking inside and I needed to get a grip before I lost it. I drank every last bit of alcohol that was in my cup and found it refreshing, maybe I need more to calm myself down.

I didn't wait for her response and excused myself to go to the kitchen and refill my cup.

I almost poured my drink on her shirt when I turned back and she was behind me.

She followed me.

"Oh God, Kate!" I was startled and I almost lost my balance, thanks to her fast reflexes she caught me.

"Nervous much?" She was looking at me and smirking while I composed myself and left her there.

"Not so fast, Jen." She grabbed my arm and forced me to face her.

"What do you want, Kate?" I seem to regain myself and my heart is back to its normal rate. She was actually irritating me now. Showing off her "new self" and acting like a total bitch.

"Nothing, Jen. Really. I am actually glad that I saw you here and let you know that I'm back, hopefully permanently." Her smile is also flirtatious, not like before. It's not only her appearance changed, everything about her did. She's like this new person and I don't even recognize her anymore.

"Oh yeah? That's good news then. Anyways, I should probably go. Have fun tonight."

I left her and didn't give her a chance to stop me.

I tried to look for Sam everywhere but I couldn't find her, I took out my phone and quickly typed a text to Sam letting her know that I'm leaving. I couldn't stay any longer, not with Kate inside.

I hurried to reach my car and climbed as fast as I could. My heart starts beating so fast again and I cannot put the key to its ignition as my hands are trembling.

Why am I acting like this?

It's just Kate for god sake.

Oh yes, the same Kate who broke my fucking heart, the same Kate who abandoned me, looked at me with hatred and disgust and now she's back after 8 mos and acting like nothing happened?

How am I supposed to act normal around her, without thinking of what had happened that night?

And to think that 4 weeks from now, I would see her in school every day, like fucking every day.

Her being a total bitch and me, being what? Just like the same, the same confused girl.

I climbed up my car and just sat there for a minute, trying to relax all my nerves before I started the car.

I don't drink that much so the alcohol earlier was kicking me now and I'm feeling a little bit dizzy, I need to pull myself together. I looked at my watch, it was 10 minutes before midnight. I decided to go and drive very slowly, it's just 6 blocks anyway.

I was parking my car in front of the building when I shot a glimpse of a familiar figure through my rearview mirror. It was Emma, with a man walking beside her. I turned off my engine and watched them from the car. So she went out for a date. I'm not sure which hurt the most, Kate being back or the view I'm seeing right now though I tried to push the thought at the back of my head, for now I don't want to feel anything, I just wanted to lay on my bed and sleep the whole night.

They stopped in front of the building door and I'm guessing they're saying their goodbyes.

He was caressing her cheeks and she was smiling at him, and then he kissed her.

I felt a pinch in my chest, what was that?

Finally, they parted ways, Emma went inside and that was my cue to get out of the car.

As I entered my house I went directly to my bedroom and threw myself to the bed.

I pressed my eyes close and tried not to think of anything. Not Kate nor my neighbor.

I took out my phone when I heard it beep, it was a text from Sam.

"I'm so sorry Jen, I didn't hear my phone, hope you went home safe."

I hit reply, "I'm home, enjoy the night."

I placed my phone on the bedside table and decided to shower.

Exactly 10 minutes later, I was already under my covers. I think the alcohol helps me sleep as I felt my eyes getting heavy and I find myself falling asleep.

My eyes are still half closed and I really don't want to get up but my stomach is rumbling like it's very angry. I searched for my phone and looked at the time, it was quarter to two in the afternoon. Is this thing broken? How come I slept more than 12 hrs? No wonder I'm really hungry.

I got up and fixed my bed. My parents were for sure not home so I went straight to the kitchen and I found a note on the table.

"Honey, there's food in the fridge. Didn't bother to wake you up. Love, Mom"

Great, there's food. I took it out of the fridge and heated it in the microwave.

As I waited for it to be done, my mind traveled back to what happened last night and the realization hit me.

Kate is back! Her image last night, her hair, her eyes, all come back in my head.

But there's another image coming back, my neighbor and her date, him kissing her, the pinch in my chest.

I was startled when I heard the microwave signaling that it's done.

I suddenly lost my appetite but I know I still need to eat. I tried to push everything in the back of my head again and ate in silence.

After I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, I decided to head to my room. I don't feel like doing anything or even talking to anybody. I lay on the bed and closed my eyes.


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Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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