Chapter 5

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(Violet p.o.v)

When Liz, Dean and I arrived at the party there were so many people. Everywhere in the house where drunken girls and boys. Most of them were snogging and others were drunk and dancing. ''Do you guys want something to drink?'', Liz asks me and Dean. ''I don't drink alcohol'', Dean says. ''Oh it isn't that bad, you should just try it, come on drink it'', Liz says and hands a red cup to Dean. Dean still doesn't look to keen on it, but takes a bit. ''See it wasn't that bad'', Liz says and gives me a cup as well, but I don't drink a lot. I drink half of my cup and trow the rest away. I see Dean completely drunk and dancing with some random guy. Liz gave him to many drinks, well it doesn't seem so bad, maybe he gets himself a nice boyfriend. I want to go to the other side of the room, so I walk over the dance floor, there somebody stopped me and pulled my arm. ''He babe'', Jake says and put both of his hands around my waist. ''Let go of me, why are you even here?'', I say and try to put his hands of me, but I can't.. he is really strong and also drunk. ''Come on we can have fun'', he says and pushed me to the wall. He started kissing me and didn't let go of me. What is he going to do?, I thought by myself. Is he going to rape me or something?. I couldn't escape, but a few moments later Jake was gone. I saw him laying on the ground passed out. I looked up and wiped my tears away, I didn't notice I was crying. Somebody took my arm and pulled me with them. When we were outside I could finally see who rescued me. It was Harry Styles himself. The boy everybody said was a bad boy and that he was dangerous, just saved me. ''Are you okay?'', he asks and we sit down at bench in the garden, where nobody else was. ''Yeah.. I guess..'', I say. ''Thank you for helping me.. I-I don't know what would happend if you weren't there'', I say. Harry smiles. ''It's no problem, Jake needed a lesson. He shouldn't touch pretty girls like you without them wanting it'', he says and I blush. He called me pretty. ''Do you think I'm pretty?'', I ask. ''Well uhm.. yeah'', he says and I give him a smile. ''Wait aren't you the new girl? and the one who saw me with Niall this morning?'', he asks. ''Yeah'', I say. ''I am Violet by the way'', I say and we shake hands. ''Harry..Harry Styles'', he says. ''Well about that thing with Niall this morning, would you please be silent about that?'', he asks. ''Can I know what happened then?'', I ask. ''Uhmm yeah, my aunt past away and we were are a close family you know?'', he says, but I know he is lying. ''Oh I'm sorry'', I say. ''Thanks'', he says. ''I won't tell anyone and thank you that you saved me'', I say. ''No problem, well I guess I have to go now'', He says. ''Yeah..okay'', I say and stand up as well. ''Bye'', he says and walks away. I walk back inside to try and find Liz and Dean. I see Liz talking with some of her friends and I still try to find Dean. I see Dean sitting on a small couch together with another cute boy and I see them kissing. Awh cute, I thought. I walk to them to ask if Dean wants to go back with me. ''Dean?'', I ask and he looks up. ''Are you coming with me?'', I ask. ''Where to?'', he asks. ''Back'', I say. ''Okay, you have my number right?'', he asks the other boy and the boy nods. ''Bye'', he says and gives the boy another kiss. We walk out of the building, but I first look back at Liz. I see she is still having fun, so we will just go. She will find a way to come home. Dean and I decided to walk, because Liz brought us, so we didn't had a car. ''So who was that?'', I ask and Dean starts blushing. ''That is Antony and he is really cute''', Dean says. ''Is he your boyfriend or something?'', I ask. ''No... at least not yet'', he says. ''Awh that's so cute, you found yourself a cute boy''', I say and he laugh. ''What about you?'', he asks. ''What about me?'', I ask. ''Did you find yourself some nice boy?'', he asks and I smile. ''No.. not really, but there is something'', I say. ''Come on tell me'', Dean beggs. ''Okay, well Jake pushed me to a wall and forced me to kiss him and I think if he didn't save me that Jake would have raped me'', I say. ''Jake?!, I will so hit him in the face when he comes back'', Dean says. ''Thanks but somebody else already did that for me'', I say. ''Who?!'', he says impatient. ''Harry Styles'', I say. ''Harry Styles?!'', he asks. ''The boy who is mean to everyone and who beats me everyday saved you?'', Dean says. '' that strange?'', I ask. ''Well Harry normally doesn't do something like that'', he says. ''Oh he hit Jake in the face and took me outside, where we talked a bit and he introduced himself'', I say. ''That's just strange, normally Harry is a complete jerk to everyone'', Dean says. ''He even told me I'm pretty'', I blush. ''Okay...he must really like you or something, because that isn't normal. He didn't had a girlfriend since many years. Everyone says that he is hooking up with some girls and that he is just a player, so please stay away from him'', Dean says. ''Okay..'', I say still not understanding why everyone is telling me this. The only real times I saw Harry was when he was crying and when he saved me, so I don't think he is so bad. Dean and I walked back to school and sneaked in our dorm hallway. ''Goodnight Vio'', Dean says before walking to his dorm. ''Goodnight, dream about your luke'', I laugh and go to my dorm as well. I lay in my bed and directly fell asleep.

Well guys this was chapter 5, vote or comment and I hope you liked it :)

Xx Chantal

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