32. 2018

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Texts sent on December 25, 2017 at 9:31am:

Cassie Belford: Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!

Weston Maguire: Hitting the eggnog a bit too hard there, Cass?

Cassie Belford: Don't be a grinch.

Cassie Belford: It's Christmas morning, I'm entitled to be cheerful.

Weston Maguire: I know, Sky woke me up three hours ago with a series of loud carols. Merry Christmas :)

Cassie Belford: Are you at your mom's today?

Weston Maguire: Yeah, but my dad and Peter are coming over later.

Cassie Belford: Has Sky told your dad yet?

Weston Maguire: She and Peter told him last week. It went pretty well. He gave the 'dad' speech we were expecting and then shook Pete's hand.

Weston Maguire: I think he squeezed a little harder than necessary, but no harm done.

Cassie Belford: That's nice.

Weston Maguire: What about you? Are you and Simon doing Christmas at home?

Cassie Belford: No, we're at a cabin with his family. Well, they call it a cabin, but it's massive. The Christmas tree looks like someone stole it from Rockefeller. It's excessive.

Weston Maguire: Psh, rich people.

Cassie Belford: Very funny. Are you still planning to come for New Year's?

Weston Maguire: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. You're sure it's okay for all of us to come?

Cassie Belford: Obviously. Simon wouldn't have invited you if it wasn't okay. There's going to be over a hundred people at that party. Mrs. Idzik invited some politicians and other "important" people, but it's mostly friends and family.

Weston Maguire: Awesome. I'll see you then. Gotta go help Sky with the gingerbread house.

Cassie Belford: Of course you do.

. . .

to: cassbelford95@gmail.com

from: westonalmaguire@gmail.com

subject: Happy Anniversary!

sent: January 16, 2018 at 9:08am

Hey Cass,

Okay, so I know you're probably still feeling weird about New Year's, but you're going to have to get over it. Today is a big day. Need a hint?

Are you a participant in the tradition of violent, albeit organized, sport? Are you a capable writer?

It's been a whole fucking year since I responded to the flyer you left on my locker (the first of multiple times you were in that locker room.) Isn't that crazy? I can't tell you how grateful I am for that goddamn flyer. Seriously, imagine how different everything would be if I hadn't seen it.

Back to New Year's, I know you said things were okay, but you've been acting weird since the party.

You don't need to be embarrassed. We were all drinking, and I kissed you back. Honestly, if you hadn't done it, there's a good chance I would have kissed you first. It doesn't have to be a big deal. It was the countdown! You basically have to kiss someone. If you hadn't planted one on me we'd have to deal with a year of bad luck or something.

Speaking of bad luck, the Waxers lost both of their games this week. I'm trying to think of a way to boost their morale. Any ideas? Lena thinks I should bake them cookies, but I feel like that might compromise my authority.

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