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Wednesday, 21 July, 16:34

"Jimin-ah! Try looking at this?" Yoongi asks the younger but Jimin only sends him a small look before sighing, "You really think, I wanna go around with that?" he asks suspiciously and the older groans but shakes his head, putting the piece of cloth back to the rack. 

After paying for the jacket, Jimin beautifully "won" they went hunting for Jimin's clothes. And suddenly the sweet boy turned into a little perfectionist because "It's my first time going to something like this! It has to be perfect!" as the young dancer states. 

"Urgh, why can't you choose. Just take one! Here!" Yoongi grumbles and takes two steps backwards and takes a random jacket. But as soon as Jimin lies his eyes upon it, he lets out a big gasp. "That's perfect! How dd you do that?! We've been here for like an... Hour!" Jimin states with wide eyes. "Exactly, we've been here for an hour. That's how much I nap every day. You owe me a nap, young mister," Yoongi mumbles but Jimin has already grabbed the jacket and is now running towards the fitting room. 

A little time after, the dancer comes out and hugs the older. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he squeals happily and Yoongi can't help but smile at the younger's adorableness. 

"Wow, what have I been missing," Taehyung says while sipping something from a cup. The boy had been craving something to drink, so he left the two older boys to look after Jimin's clothes. 

The two boys jump away from each other with a red face each. "Yoongi is a genius!" Jimin says happily holding the jacket up. "I'm gonna pay for this jacket!" he says, holding the jacket up in front of Taehyung, who nods approvingly at it. He then runs away to pay for the jacket. 

"A genius, huh?" Taehyung as soon as Yoongi removes his eyes from the dancer's back. The older shrugs shyly and turns around fiddling with some clothes on the rack. "Nah," he mumbles.

"Okay, but please don't make me a third-wheel for the rest of the clothes-hunting. Jungkook hasn't called me yet and you guys are cute and all, but you're kind of making me feel a little neglected here," Taehyung pouts and Yoongi finally turns around facing the younger. 

"Third-wheel? You?"

"Well, yeah. You're kind of forgetting me here," Taehyung shrugs and Yoongi scoffs. "believe me or not, me and Jimin have been third-wheelers for a pretty long time now. Do you know that sometimes, when you and Jungkook decide to have some fun I'm in the room beside you? I know that my room is soundproof and all that, but we have a living room. And how do you think, Jimin has it when you ask him to hang out with you and Jungkook, and you end up eating your faces off, in front of the boy you asked to hang out with? So when did you have the right to say that we can't make you a third-wheeler!?" Yoongi snaps and Taehyung casts his eyes down. 


"You're what!? Shocked because we don't say directly to you that you're making me and Jimin feel like a third-wheeler? And as an answer to that question is that we thought you cared enough to make us feel like we meant something to you! So why don't you just call your little boyfriend and take him home and fuck him before I come home, but you wouldn't notice me coming home, anyway!" Yoongi half-shouts, gaining some attention from the other people shopping. 

"Hey, why so gloomy, you two?" Jimin comes up beside them and sees Yoongi's upset face and Taehyung's guilty one. 

"Nothing. Just making sure Taehyung doesn't feel like a third-wheeler," Yoongi says sarcastically. 

"Okay," Jimin says questioningly but ignores it anyway. "Can we search for a shirt I can have underneath this? Only if you want to, of course," Jimin asks happily and Yoongi nods. "Yeah, of course. What about you Taehyung?"

"Yeah, of course," Taehyung says with a forced smile. 

"You sure? You won't feel like a third-wheeler, right?"

"No!" Taehyung suddenly snaps and glares at Yoongi. "I want to come with you."

"Fine, I don't care anyways," he huffs. 

"You know that, if you don't want to feel like a third-wheeler, you can just find your soulmate," Taehyung shrugs and Yoongi freezes. But he reacts a little too late. 

"Kim Taehyung!" Jimin snaps, making the younger look at the dancer in shock. "That is the same as asking a sick person to get well. If you were sick and could get well by will, wouldn't you do that? If Yoongi could just find his soulmate, wouldn't he go to that person?" Jimin asks, trying to calm himself down. "Well, yeah?" Taehyung says. 

"Yeah, so why don't you leave him and his soulmate-stuff alone? And go to your soulmate who's waiting in Starbucks?"

"But don't you need help?"

"I don't want your help right now. I want Yoongi's help and I wouldn't be such a bad friend making you feel like a third-wheel."

"Okay... Bye then?"

"Bye!" Jimin says. He turns to Yoongi as soon as Taehyung disappears from their sight. "You okay?"

"Yeah," the older mumbles. "Let's just find your clothes."

"Don't have to say that twice!"

My battery is dying.


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