Chapter 21

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***Isaac's POV***

I shut my laptop and groan tiredly. Stretching my arms above my head, I let out a huge yawn that makes me sound like a dying walrus, and I stand up. I kick my legs to rid them of their sleep and walk around my desk, finally done for the day.

It's actually only been a few hours, but still.

I leave my office in the pack house, and am about to mind link Damien when Jasmine suddenly bursts through the front door. I furrow my eyebrows in question and open my mouth, about to ask what's going on, but refrain from doing so when I see her panicked state. Damien follows in right after her, with something, or rather someone, in his arms.

I recognize the petite shape of the body immediately.


She simply looks like she's sleeping, but from her pale body, and Damien and Jasmine's actions, I know she's not.

"What the fuck happened?!" I all but shout at them. They both ignore me and run past me, and I follow closely behind.

They walk to the infirmary area of the pack house, and Dr. Milenna is already waiting by a hospital bed. Damien sets her down gently and Dr. Milenna starts hooking up Clara to monitors and wires, bringing back horrible memories of when she was in a coma when she was first brought here.

Damien and Jasmine both grab my wrists and lead me out of the infirmary, taking me back to my office.

"What the hell happened?!" I ask again once we get there.

"I-I don't know! We had just went out to eat at the burger joint and-and she started swaying and then she fell and...I don't know!" Jasmine yells, pacing back and forth. Her hands are on her head, and you can tell she's clearly freaking out.

Damien is by her side immediately to try and calm her down. He puts his hands on each side of her face and she freezes, her body tense. Damien whispers things to her that I can't hear, but apparently it works because her body visibly relaxes, and she slumps against him.

"Why don't you go take Jasmine home? I'll go talk to Dr. Milenna," I suggest to Damien with a tired smile on my face. He nods thankfully and helps Jasmine out of the pack house.

I sigh and make my way over to the hospital room Clara was put in. Just as I'm about to open the door, Dr. Milenna steps out.

"Doc! How is she? What happened?"

"Alpha," she nods. "I found a good amount of ethylene glycol running through her bloodstream, which is highly toxic. And since she's human and consumed so much, it was getting to her faster than it would have for us. I was able to get most, if not all of it out, but her body went into a coma to preserve energy and try to fight off the toxins in her body still. I gave her human antibiotics to help with that."

"So she's in a coma? Again? Do you know when shell wake up?"

"Whenever her body let's her. It's her choice when she wants to wake up."

"Alright. Thanks Doc. Can I go in there?"

"Of course. Call me if you need anything." She nods again and walks the direction I came from, and I walk in the room Clara is in.

She's not as pale as she was before, but she's not a healthy color either. She's still hooked up to all the wires and machines, her hair messy and all over the pillow, yet she's still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Her breathing is steady, which calms me a little, and I pull up a chair next to her bed. I grab her hand in both of mine, seeking comfort in how her hand isn't cold as it looks, but actually quite warm.

"Please wake up Clara," I whisper, tears already burning my eyes, but I force myself not to cry. "I've lost you one too many times already, you can't leave me again. Please wake up soon."

I kiss her forehead gently and get up and quickly exit the room, not being able to stand seeing her like that much longer.

"Alpha! Hunters are attacking the south border!" I hear in my mind link from one of my warriors.

"I'm on my way. Call the other warriors that aren't on duty. We need the others to stay in their position in case they decide to attack other places," I reply back.

"Yes Alpha!"

I shut my mind link off and Sprint outside, stripping my clothes in the process. I have to sort of hop while I take off my shorts, and I place them behind a tree and then shift.

I follow the scent of blood and the sound of guns going off, and not long after, I'm on the scene.

My warriors took out most of the hunters, but some are still going strong.

I charge into battle, sinking my teeth into an unsuspecting hunter's arm. He cries out, and tries to pull away as I tug on his arm, and I tug hard enough where his forearm tears off his body. I spit it out of my mouth and attack the next Hunter in my line of vision.

When I finish off that one, I look around and notice the other warriors have showed up, and are easily killing off the rest of the hunters. One though, catches my eyes. He has the most guns and protection of all the others I saw out here. He must be more important.

I charge at him, his back turned to me, and I jump on him, knocking him to the ground. I growl in his face, and I see a hint of fear in his eyes. I quickly mind link the warriors to help me tie this one up so we can interrogate him. I grab the gun in his hands with my teeth and toss it aside.

Two of my warriors, already in human form, grab the guy from under me and tie him up with ropes. I shift back and take his weapons off him, making sure to check to see if he has any concealed in small pockets or whatever.

They drag him off, and I shift back into wolf form and walk back to the tree ieft my clothes at. I slip them on and head to the cellars.

Time to have some fun.

Left To The Wolves [On Hold]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora