Thirty Six

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It's been about a week since I've moved out and I already finished unpacking and shit. Which I'm surprised I did.

Aurora came by earlier that week and brought me a "House Warming" gift which was five,six bottles of alcohol. Shit I thought house warming gifts were like plants and shit but she got me some alcohol. I ain't complaining though.

After I finished getting me and Levi settled in I needed to get back on my grind. I saved money but you're always gonna need money and what if I ran out?

So at the moment I'm on my way to the garage seeing if there's any jobs for me to do and make some money. I looked at my GPS to check and see if I was almost there. Which I was not. I took the wrong turn so it had to reroute me the long way. I was twenty minutes away now. How did a ten minute drive turn into a twenty minute drive because of one wrong turn?

I smacked my forehead and sighed in frustration. I continued to as Sza blared through my speakers. And I forgot my vape at home now I can't even ease up my nerves.

It felt like forever until I finally pulled up to the Garage. I got out of my car when I  entered I saw Lilya on the couch playing Mortal Kombat X with Delaney. Who was kicking her ass. Damn she was good at fighting in real life and in video games?

Aaron was knocked out sleep on the floor a dick drawn on his mouth. Haha real mature and another gang member I know as Jamie was just smoking a blunt while she watched Lilya and Delaney play video games.

Aurora was smoking weed like usual and laying on the counter as Elvis Presley played out of her cell phone. I didn't listen to him but I never knew she did. She probably just started.

Cameo counted wads of cash that were spreaded across the pool table. He always had money to be counted. No lie though I wanted that to be me.

Sean was making a sandwich. The day wasn't to busy. Maybe everyone was just chilling today? What am I saying every since I started coming here all people ever did was chill.

"Hey Lilya and Laney"I greeted them. I see they were cool. I haven't seen them in a while I didn't know they were cool.

"Wassam"Lilya nodded at me trying to concentrate. I see why...she was getting her ass kicked in another match and it was embarrasing. Delaney looked at me "Hi".

This little devil didn't even get hit in the game while she was distracted by me. I was impressed. I nodded my head at Jamie. She wasn't around much. She makes a lot of drop offs and deliveries. So it's very rare when I see her.

I walked over and plucked Aurora "Hey Rora"I grinned at her. She shot up almost bumping me in my head. "Hey burpy!"She said giving me a hug.

I rolled my eyes I didn't think she was that high to the point where she couldn't remember my name. It's been a while since I've seen her like that.

I released her and looked at Sean as he smirked at me. What was he smirking for? I should be smirking. Well I shouldn't I'm the one who sent the ass pic last week but still. I should be smirking.

I sighed as I walked up to him and he opened his arms for a hug. "No nigga what are you smirking for" He laughed "No reason"

Does he think I was born yesterday. I looked at Aurora and raised an eyebrow "What did he do?" Aurora looked between me and Sean with worry on her face.

"Come on Aurora you can tell me I ain't gonna yell at you or something"I smiled at her she nodded. Sean gave her this look and that made me want to know why he was smirking even more.

"Shh Aurora dont tell him"He said.

"Aye dont tell my girlfriend what to do she gonna do what she want"Cameo laughed as he continued to count his money.

Aurora ran to Cameo and whined "I'm so confused Cammy!" Cameo smirked "Do you want me to tell for you?" Aurora nodded as she picked up some Cheetos that were in a bowl next to him.

Sean glared at Cameo. Cameo grinned back at him "Well a week ago Me and Sean and a few others played truth or dare"

I nodded urging him on as Sean kept on glaring at him. "And I dared Sean to pretend he was high or drunk to get an ass pic from you"

My face flushed completely red "So he wasn't high when he asked for ass pictures?" Cameo shook his head "Nope"

I glared at Sean who grinned sheepishly at me. Are you kidding me right now? I huffed no wonder why he was smirking like he was the king of the world

"Sorry Prince but I don't turn down dares"He pinched my cheek I swatted his hands away and stuck up my middle finger.

"Suck it!"

I'm ignoring this goon

"Pick a time and a place sweet heart."Sean said making a heart with both of his hands and making kissy sounds.

Out of retaliation I snatched his sandwich and took a huge bite of it causing him to glare at me. "Really Monte you really had to eat a nigga sandwich? We couldn't have settled this with angry sex or some shit?"

"Karma bitch"I spoke mouthful of his sandwich. "Thas supposed to be my dick in there not my sandwich"He huffed as he went to make another sandwich."

Cameo laughed at our quarell before turning to me "Lemme guess you're here to make some more money huh?" I nodded "Yeah nigga what you got for me?"

"Some drop offs with Jamie"

I nodded. No matter the job I'm here to make money. Unless it something completely fucked up...

 Unless it something completely fucked up

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   Indya Marie as Jamie 🔝

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