"I Will Slaughter Anything and Everything"

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It wouldn't have taken so long to get organized, rally the demigods, and get ready to storm the Wolf House if not for Ouranos. The primordial must have noticed that the Demigods planned to rescue Percy, as he conveniently sent an army after Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter. There were cyclopes, telkhines, empousai, hellhounds, lastrygonians, and more. The camps were able to fight them off, but they had casualties since both camps were attacked St the same time and unable to help each other.

Furthermore, Bellatrix let loose a bunch of evil people from the wizard prison, Askaban, and they had been wrecking havoc on the Wizarding world. All three allies were swamped with enemies all at once.

Something confused the demigods though- why did Ouranos want Percy imprisonated so badly? If he sent armies after all three of his enemies, then it was clear that Percy was essential to his plan.

Nico's dream also helped prove that theory. Nico had been walking

Percy sat in his cell. His ankle was chained to the floor once again. Percy's head was down, his eyes on the floor. When Nico's dream focused, Percy raised his gaze to rest on his younger cousin. "Nico," he whispered. "Hurry. It's almost the solstice!"

The door banged open and Bellatrix twirled in. Her skirts spinning, she giggled and knelt next to Percy.

"Tut, Tut," she said, making a frown. "A handsome young man like you shouldn't be making such a sad face! Don't worry, Perseus. Once Ouranos has claimed you, that frown will be turned upside down." She stood up and walked around Percy. "Did I tell you what will come to be of you after he arrives?"

Percy shook his head. He didn't even bother saying something sarcastic or snarky, which worried Nico. Percy's resistance was fading.

"You will be by my side. Working with me, as a couple. For Ouranos." She gave Percy a flirty wink.

Nico was revolted. Bellatrix was at least ten years older than Percy. Also, why would you flirt with your prisoner? Percy looked disgusted by Bellatrix's advances too, as he gave her a look.

"Now, now, Perseus," she cooed, taking his chin in her hand. "Don't give me that look. We will be one, together. And once Ouranos comes, you will like it." She pulled Percy's face closer so there was only an inch in between. "You'll forget all about your little girlfriend and your friends soon enough, and then it will be just the two of us."

Percy jerked his head out of her grasp. "I will never be with you. Nico, hurry!" He yelled.

Bellatrix looked around the room. "There is no one here, little hero."

Percy ignored her and looked Nico right in the eyes. "Nico! Nico! Nico!"

Will POV

"Nico!" Will yelled for what seemed like the dozenth time. He was standing next to Nico's bed in the boys dormitory. Although he was a teacher, Nico wanted to stay with the other demigods. But that meant Will would wake him up if he ever overslept for breakfast. Which happened a lot.

Will called for Nico again, not even expecting the son of Hades to respond. But Nico did, his eyes flying open and jerking up in his bed.

"Will!" Nico gasped in surprise. His cheeks turned pink. "What are you doing here?"

Will crossed his arms. "Well I wasn't going to let you sleep through another breakfast. We're storming the Wolf House tomorrow, so you need your food."

Nico didn't snap back, which worried Will. He threw back the covers and rolled his legs to the side of the bed. His white tank top was scrunched up, revealing his midriff. His black sweatpants hung low on his waist, and his longish black hair brushed into his face. Nico ran his hands through his hair.

"Did you dream about Percy again?" Will asked. Nico was the only one of the Demigods who got dreams about Percy. He only shared them when he learned important information, but otherwise said nothing. But Will could tell what he saw was troubling him.

Nico nodded.

"How is he?" Will asked.

Nico shook his head. He stood up and donned a black button down. Then he grabbed a pair of pants and looked at Will expectantly.

"What?" Will asked, unabashed.

"Can you look away while I change my pants?" Nico asked.

"What a shame," Will sighed, turning away. He tapped his foot impatiently while Nico changed. "Let's go to breakfast, Neeks!"


Nico POV

"Alright, Reyna went to get he Romans, and she just called and said the legion is standing by. The Greeks are a few miles out from the Wolf House. This is our signal to move in. We're going to join up with the Greeks and then march in together. Does everyone have what they need?" Jason asked. He was standing in front of the demigods at Hogwarts. They were all wearing armor and holding their weapons, ready to rendezvous with their troops and storm the Wolf House. They all nodded. Nico fingered his Stygian Iron sword and turned his skull ring. Will was next to him, securing his bow and arrow. Jason nodded. "Right. Nico and Hazel will be shadow-traveling us to the rendezvous spot, and Will will be waiting with unicorn drought and nectar."

Will frowned, like he didn't like the idea of Nico shadow-traveling. It was probably frustrating that blonde son of Apollo.

"Okay, we move out in a minute. Everyone get ready," Jason instructed. While everyone finished preparing, Nico went over to Will.

"Will, look, I just wanted to say-"

"No, I don't do goodbyes," Will lectured Nico.

"This isn't a goodbye," Nico protested. "I just wanted to apologize for kind of pulling away. I do like you, I swear, I was just nervous about what everyone else would say. I know it's dumb, but I'm a 40's kid, so..."

Will smiled and put his hand on Nico's arm comfortingly. "Hey, it's cool. I get it. My mom wasn't so great about it when she first heard, so I kind of withdrew into myself too. But remember, these are our friends. They don't care. And some of them probably already know," he added, glancing at Piper, who caught his eye and smirked.

Nico blushed. "Oh gods. Well, I guess it was also because I was nervous that you wouldn't actually lie me anymore."

Will looked shocked. "What?"

Nico fidgeted with his skull ring, not meeting Will's eyes. "It's just...I'm not the good guy, Will. You are, you're the son of the sun god, always radiant, saving people's loves. But I end them. I kill, and I don't mind. I think what I'm trying to say is that...I really value what we have, and I hope you don't think to badly of me after today."

"Nico," Will said slowly. "I'm not sure I understand what you're saying."

"I'm saying that I hope you don't judge me after today, Will, because I will slaughter anything and everything to free Percy Jackson."

The Demigod King; Book 2Where stories live. Discover now