Chapter 25

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"May I talk with Alex privately for a moment?"

Alex and I looked up from our spot on the couch to see my dad standing in the hallway near the living room. He was walking up slowly to us and I could feel his Alpha presence was pressing through. Something was wrong.

"Yeah, I can--"

I was quickly cut off from getting up when Alex pulled me right back down to his side. My leg was all but healed, yet Xavier clearly wasn't convinced. I started to notice the small differences between him and Alex, even if they were the same person.

"I'm not letting her out of my sight," Xavier growled.

His deepened and rougher voice also gave away just who was more present of the two.

I leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Xavier, I love you and all, but I'm just going to go help my mom in the kitchen."

He growled again, but it was kind of cute, as it was more of an irritated one. 


His grip loosened only a little.

I whispered in his ear. "Relax, babe. I won't leave the house without you. I promise."

It seemed to have done the trick for he relaxed his arm and let me get up, then turned his attention to my dad with a grunt.

"I'd please ask that you'd at least try to show some respect to the Alpha of the land you're on," Adam quipped at him, an edge in his tone. "Alex does at least that much."

Another growl from Xavier. 

"Okay, you two, play nice," I said rolling my eyes as I walked out of the room.

Both gave childish complaints which made me laugh as I waltzed into the kitchen.

"What's going on in there?" My mom asked, prepping dinner. "I'd assume it was thunder with all that growling in there."

"Xavier is being a butt," I said, unable to keep the laugh out of my voice.

My mom laughed. "You know he's just worried about you."

I motioned dramatically with both hands to the leg that no longer had a bandage on it. It was mildly bruised by that point. "It looks like I ran into a wall instead of a bullet! I don't understand it!"

She shrugged. "Blame it on instincts. You know how the males tend to be."

"A bit over the top though. And Xavier is starting to take over Alex more and more. I'm a tad concerned.  I still love him, but I didn't think our wolves were supposed to be in such control when we weren't shifted."

She frowned, placing the knife she was using down on the counter. "That has been a little strange. Your father mentioned something about it as well."

I mimicked her facial expression. "That's not good. If dad has noticed it..." I trailed off, Jackie starting to pace in my mind. We didn't want something to be wrong.

"And now you see where Xavier is coming from."


"You're making the same face he does when he's worried."

I blushed. "I-I am not! I'm just wondering what's going on, is all."

She shook her head with amusement and got back to it.

"Do you need any help?"

"Sure, can you grab that bowl for me over there?"



"Sorry about him," I said, clearing my throat after Xavier had pipped down. "I don't know what's going on. I figured controlling him would get easier after a while but..."

"After yesterday he's on edge?"

I nodded. 

"I don't think it has to do strictly with Amber being injured."

"How so?"

Adam leaned against the wall, seemingly collecting his thoughts. "I know it makes it harder to keep him calm and under control when your mate is hurt, believe me, I know. I just think there's something else aggravating him."


"Earlier you didn't shift." It wasn't a question.

I sat back down on the couch with my elbows on my knees. I looked down, then looked back up at him. "I couldn't."

He frowned but stayed quiet.

"Right before we knew what was going on I became disoriented. Xavier was very distracted and I couldn't seem to pull his attention back to the present. Once the attack started, it was like he wasn't even there. It was foggy and dizzying as if I were in a dream." I sighed, "if you hadn't had Thomas teaching me, things probably would have become much worse."

Adam remained quiet for a while, his posture staying the same. I could only guess at what he was thinking of at that moment.

"Did you feel it even the slightest bit when you were in the holding cells with us?"

I shook my head. "No. Xavier was definitely there."

"Alright... I'm going to look into a couple of things. If it were a normal rogue attack I wouldn't think much of it, but there were hunters in the mix as well. They can be very dangerous and sometimes have the means to stop us in ways that we could only fathom."

I nodded. "Okay, I'll make sure to be careful."

"Good. And please talk to Xavier about who the Alpha is in the room. He's putting my own wolf on edge and it won't end nicely for either of you."

I gulped. "Yeah, I'll try to keep him tamed."

I could hear Xavier growl lowly in retaliation.


"One more thing."

I looked back up at him as he turned to me before he left the room. "Hm?"

"The second suite down the hallway there will be yours and Amber's. I figured I'd let you tell her and your parents the news."

I couldn't help but smile upon hearing that. "Sounds good, thanks."

He dipped his chin in a single nod and left. I for one laid back into the couch with a big sigh. Things certainly weren't going as smoothly as I had expected. Then again, four weeks ago I had thought that Amber was just an ordinary girl and I was a nutcase with a voice in his head. Four weeks ago I had figured I'd never get any news about my sister again. 

"Things have certainly gotten weird."


A short but necessary filler I had to pop in :)

Don't worry, I'll be updating again shortly.

Thanks for reading!


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