A New Type of Cross

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(This wasn't exactly how I planned things, but it never really goes the way I want anyway lol Palace refused to have a different story) 

The smell of cooking food wafting into his room had Jamie's eyes blinking open slowly. What he saw when the sleep cleared from his vision made his heart thump a little harder in his chest. 

Palace's mane of shaggy black hair lay spread out against his pillow as he lay on his side. His hands rested one over the other pressed up against Jamie's chest.

You sleep just like a little kid when you're tired. He thought as he reached up, gently sifting a few of his fingers through Palace's messy hair. 

Each breath the man took ended with a little growl. It was absolutely adorable. 

I bet you were the sweetest kid, even with your big fluffy other self. 

Jamie snapped out of his thoughts when Palace stretched his arms above his head, lifting his chest slightly on a huge yawn. When he settled again, his arms immediately went around him, pulling him against his chest tightly so that he could nuzzle and sniff around in his messy bedhead. 

Grumbling, Jamie squirmed, but couldn't even come close to breaking out of Palace's hold. 

"What are you doing you sleepy dog?" He asked as he tilted his head up to try and remove Palace's nose from his hair. The action only succeeded in turning the man's attention to his mouth, which was promptly taken over by a forceful kiss. 

He winced when Palace began using his teeth, making Jamie nudge at his chest a little to try and stop him before there was blood. His mind was clearly linked with his, and he could easily tell that it wasn't all Palace causing the aggression. His wolf was definitely having a say in it, too. 

I don't mind showing you affection, but I don't want to get hurt doing it. Please be careful with your teeth. He thought to both of them, hoping that his simple request would be accepted. 

They didn't seem to hear him right away, but after a few moments, and only a couple more nibbles, Palace relented. Instead of biting, he rolled over on top of him, resting his arms on either side of Jamie's head as he deepened the kiss to the point of nearly making him choke. 

Having fun suffocating, bro? 

Sending back a none-too pleasant word to his brother's mind, Jamie tried to nudge Palace off of him, but the guy was insistent. It didn't help that Palace was moving against him every few seconds, making both of them uncomfortably hard. He wouldn't really mind trying to have sex with Palace, but he could sense in his mind that the guy wouldn't even consider it. 

Why are you holding back so much when being intimate? 

Of course, he knew why, but he wanted to know the whole story. He knew that Palace had been abused over the years he'd been captive, and didn't want to think about how many people might have tried, and how many had possibly succeeded, in forcing him to do things, but he was finally free and clearly wanting such a thing. His body was practically going through the motions already, just like it had when they were outside earlier, but he refused to even consider going all the way. 

Jamie was normally shy when meeting a new potential boyfriend for several reasons. The main one was the fact that his brother hated the idea of a male around him in a dominant role. Jared wasn't gay, and it took him a very long time to come to terms with the fact that his twin brother was. 

When the first boyfriend came along when they were in their last year of high school, Jared had nearly castrated the guy for trying to top. The memory seemed to have leaked over to Palace's thoughts, because he stopped suddenly, a puzzled look on his face as he leaned back and tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes on Jamie. 

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