•Tea Party With Sam & Gabriel•

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"I-I really don't want to do this..." Sam said softly as he flushed red. Gabriel had managed to get Sam into a fluffy pink dress, matching (Name)'s own princess dress. Chuck had gifted you a little pink toy tea set, and naturally you wanted to use it all the time. Luckily, Gabriel also wanted to use it.
"You have too! It's our turn to watch (Name)!" Gabriel argued back, also adoring a pink dress. "And she wants to have a tea party. So we much oblige." Gabriel folded his arms, and you cooed in agreement.
"I feel like you two are plotting against me." Sam deadpanned and shook his head in disbelief.
"Buuuu!" You shouted, patted his hand with your small child one. Sam only shook his head again, picking up the small plastic teacup that lacked any liquid drink.
"Fine... only for you (Name)..." Sam grumbled, pretending to sip from his plastic tea cup. Gabriel pouted.
"Wait you're not doing it for me, Sammy?" The archangel whined playfully and smacked the young Winchester's arm.

"Gabriel you are like billions of years old, can you please act like it?"
"Hey! Don't you age-shame me!!" Gabriel yelled, and continued to pout much like a child would. "I'm not old!! I-I'm just aged, like nice cheese! Or wine!!" The blonde angel argued, folding his arms. Sam took a very deep breath, and stood up, quickly picking you up into his strong moose arms.
"Gabriel you are throwing a tantrum like a baby." Sam said sharply. "And that's a bad example for (Name), so if you don't stop it, (Name) and I are going to leave you here by yourself."
"You can't take my baby sister away from me!" Gabriel jumped up and grabbed you from Sam, causing you to get upset from all the tension going on.
"You're acting more like a baby then her, Gabe!" Sam shot back. "I'm tired of you acting like a spoiled kid!"
"I'm not! You just called me old! I'm not old!I'm the youngest Archangel!" The blonde put both hands on his hips.
"You're so full of it." Sam groaned and turned around, walking away from Gabriel. "I swear you're so immature, you're suppose to be this grand archangel. All I said is that I would wear this stupid dress for (Name) and you have to get all pouty like I never give you any attention." He continued to ramble angrily as he stormed out of the room.

You looked up at your older brother, little tears in your bright eyes. Gabriel sighed and sat back down in front of the tea set, you cradled in his lap.
"It's okay... fighting is natural... he'll come back." Gabriel gently patted your head, and smiled a sad smile.
"Sam..." You whined and looked back at the doorway.
"He'll come back... anyway, I think we have a tea party to finish." Gabriel snapped his fingers and little cookies appeared and hot chocolate were now in the plastic cups.
"Ba!" You clapped your little hands and picked up a cookie. Gabriel did the same, feeling a little better already.


Sam was in the library, reading up on some data, when he heard a pair of wings flutter into the seat next to him. He closed his laptop and looked over at Gabriel. The archangel had a mug of hot chocolate, and you seating in his lap.
"Sorry..." he muttered and handed Sam the mug.
"Sam!" You giggled cutely and held up a cookie, offering the snack to Sam. A small smile graced his lips as he took the cookie.
"Thank you... sorry for flying off the handle like that." Sam whispered, earning a smile from Gabriel. You giggled and clapped your chubby baby hands, fluttering your small wings with happiness. Everything can be fixed with some hot chocolate and cookies.

Lil' Angel (Supernatural x Baby!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now