Chapter Six

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"Can you stop changing songs?" I roll my eyes at Fergie.

He can never keep it on one song, and that's why I hate riding in the car with him. Tamara seems to be having a blast, as if this is amusing. Ethan has his earphones in to block out all the nonsense happening around him. He's been a real downer the entire time he's been in the car. I really hope he doesn't act like this all weekend. I could have saved my invitation, if that's the case. He needs to learn how to let loose a little bit. Maybe I should take my own advice, according to Fergie.

"I just can't keep it on one song." He shrugs his shoulders. "I get tired of them quickly."

I take it upon myself to unplug the AUX cord from his phone and plug it into mine. He looks at me with disbelief and tries to grab it back.

"Boy, keep yo eyes on the road." I tell him.

"You're just disrespectful. How are you gonna unplug my AUX cord in my car?"

"Ain't nobody got time for you switching songs." I scroll through my music and settle for an upbeat, pop song.

"You have crap music taste."

I know he's joking because he was singing this song to the top of his lungs the last time we were in the car together.

"I have to use the bathroom!" Tamara says out of nowhere.

"Can't you wait? We only have an hour and a half left." Fergie looks at her through the rear view mirror.

"If I could wait, then I wouldn't have said it." She narrows her eyes at him.

I text my brother to tell him that we're going to stop at the nearest gas station to let Tamara use the bathroom. I can tell that Fergie is pissed because of how annoying my friends have been. Tamara has been fawning over him and Ethan refuses to acknowledge him. This isn't how I planned for the start of this weekend to turn out, but hopefully it goes accordingly.

Once we stop at the gas station, Ethan and Tamara hop out. I don't have to use the bathroom, so I stay in the car and relax against the seat. I should probably try to use the bathroom, but I don't really feel like moving. Besides, I'd rather be alone with Fergie while I can before my friends come back.

"You're not getting out?" He asks me.

"Nope." I simply say with my eyes closed.

"I call dibs on the master bedroom." He states.

"That was random." I open my eyes and laugh at him.

"There's a loft that has way too many spiders and the other two bedrooms don't have their own bathroom. So, I call dibs on the master bedroom."

"And you're telling me because?"

"Because we all have to share."

It doesn't take rocket science to know what he's hinting at. He wants me to bunk with him; that's the only reason I can think of. I would love to share a room with Fergie for a couple of nights, but I don't think it's a good idea. He's already seen me naked, I'm his best friend's sister, and I have a mad crush on him. Nothing good can come out of this.

"Devin wouldn't even let that happen." I shake my head, chuckling.

"Well, I invited you." He points out. "I'm not sharing a room with Tamara and I'm definitely not sharing a room with Ethan."

"What's with you and Ethan?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I don't have a problem with him. He doesn't like me, for some odd reason. Therefore, I'm not sharing a room with him. And I think it's pretty obvious why I won't share one with Tamara. She might try to molest me in my sleep or something."

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