Chapter Five

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The crowd went wild the moment the District Four chariot came out of the tunnel. All eyes were on Autumn and Tyson, especially Autumn. It was impossible to keep your eyes off of the two tributes.

Autumn smiled and waved, blowing kisses and sending winks to people. As much as she hated sucking up to the people of the Capital, it was easier when they were cheering for her.

Autumn looked at her reflection in one of the TVs hanging up around the crowd that showed what was being broadcasted to all of Panem. And it was focused right on Autumn. The camera panned over what it could see of Autumn's outfit from behind the chariot and stopped on her face. Autumn didn't know where the camera was, but she smiled and waved again, blowing a kiss. Many roses were tossed at Autumn so she caught one and held it in her hand as she waved.

As the parade route came to an end and the chariots pulled into a circle, President Snow took the stage.

Autumn held onto the chariot as it halted, grabbing Tyson's arm to make sure he didn't fall off at the sudden change of pace.

President Snow raised his hands to tell the Capital citizens to quiet down as he was going to speak. It went completely silent in only a matter of seconds.

"Welcome tributes!" Snow's voice boomed over the crowds. "I hope you are all as excited as I for this year's Hunger Games!" The Capital citizens went crazy, cheering loudly. But they quickly quieted down again. "May the odds be ever in your favor."

Autumn let go of Tyson once the chariot lurched forward and they were brought back into the waiting area. Finnick was already there, clapping as Tyson and Autumn got off of the chariot.

"That was amazing," Finnick smiled. "You guys looked great."

"I think we might've looked even better than you," Autumn joked with Finnick. He pretended a look of hurt as he grabbed his chest but he laughed. Autumn laughed, but not for long as her eye was caught by another tribute.

He was tall and muscular with brown, shaggy hair. He was definitely a career. When Autumn looked at him, he didn't look away.

Finnick noticed this and put his hand on Autumn's back as he lead her away and towards the elevator, breaking the two tribute's eye contact.


The food was rich and Autumn ate as much as she could force herself too. Her trainer back in District Four said that if she ever goes into the Games, eat as much as you can before hand so you have some carbs and fat in your body to survive off of if you can't find food for the first week.

"Eat as much as you can before you enter the arena," Autumn told Tyson. He immediately started piling his plate. Finnick nodded, agreeing with Autumn.

"As many carbs and fat as possible so you can survive without food for at least a week," Finnick sipped at his alcoholic drink.

"Well you never had that problem, did you?" Autumn asked Finnick. Finnick shook his head.

"No, I did the same thing. And food was never a problem for me in my Games," Finnick told the table.

"How do we find water?" Tyson asked.

"Depends on the setting. Desert, cut open a cactus and drink from that. But no matter what, be careful what water you drink. The game makers love to add poison," Finnick warned us.

"So boil it then?" Autumn asked, taking a sip of the stew in her bowl.

"If you can it'd be smart, although I'm not sure if that will get rid of the poison. Never light a fire after dark, though," Finnick stared Tyson and Autumn in the eye. "Then you're basically killing yourself."

"What about big game hunting?" Autumn asked.

"Try to stick to smaller stuff like squirrels and birds. They're plentiful and can feed you for a whole day if you use your resources well," Finnick explained. "Don't kill big animals. If you try to drag it, the blood will leave a trail. If you eat what you can and leave it, then you'll have to leave that area right away. It'll start to smell and draw tributes towards you."

"Fishing is smart too," Amethyst added. "And being from District Four I assume that's not a problem."

Mags whispered to Finnick, asking something. Mags was now staying on the floor with Autumn, Finnick, Amethyst, and Tyson. Autumn didn't mind, of course. Mags was sweet and Autumn was willing to get as much mentor help as possible.

"Do you two know how too make your own fish hooks?" Finnick asked. The two tributes nodded.

"Yes. I use to fish with my father all the time. I would make some hooks and sell them in town to peacekeepers, too," Tyson explained.

"What about you, Autumn?" Finnick asked. Autumn looked up at him, swallowing the soup in her mouth.

"What about me?" Autumn asked,

"Your family. How'd you learn to fish?" Finnick pressed on.

"Well my parents died three years ago and I never had any siblings," Autumn explained. "So I fished to sell and got by. I taught myself," Autumn told the table. Amethyst, Mags, and Tyson looked sad to learn the fate of Autumn's parents, but Finnick just nodded.

It wasn't that Finnick didn't feel bad for Autumn, but he had felt this loss too and he hated when people felt pity for him. So, he had learned to just react to the news of loss without adding much too the conversation.

"So, tomorrow you start your first day of training and you're also going to watch the other reapings in the morning, so you know what you're up against," Finnick explained. Autumn listened, intently. "You have a target on your backs. They either want to be your ally or they want to kill you."

"Is there much of a difference?" Autumn asked. Finnick couldn't help but smirk in humor of Autumn's sharp tongue.

"No, not really. But I want you two to stick together. Don't show your strengths," Finnick told the two tributes. "Save that for your individual show off to the game makers. Work on your weaknesses."

Autumn sighed, the glamour of the parade wearing off. The sound of the cheers of adoring Capital citizens screaming Autumn's name. For a second, Autumn was disgusted with herself. She had forgotten what these people were really rooting for. They wanted Autumn to win. But that means they wanted her to kill. To take the lives of innocent children. Because in these Games, that's inevitable.

Autumn's eye was caught on a glistening stake knife sitting next to her plate. The blade was quite large and sharp. The idea that popped into her head sounded appealing in the moment. This way, she would only have to kill one.

"I'm done with dinner," Autumn stood up. "Thank you," she nodded at an avox who was already clearing away her plate. Autumn turned and walked away from the table, the knife pushed up inside her sleeve.

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