Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

A week has passed when Jayk received a letter from Ryhan. In this letter he explained that they tracked the killer all the way to the realm of the skinchangers. Ryhan also mentioned that the elf that was killed was badly beaten and bruised. His throat was slit and he died within minutes. After a few more details about the murder, Ryhan ended the letter with a question and a threat:

‘How is Haylee? I hope you have been taking good care of her. We have no evidence that points to her father being the murderer, but we are keeping our eyes open. Please protect her Jayk. She is not a lowly human. If anything happens to her, I will duel you to the death.’

The last part of the letter caused jealousy to swell within Jayk. Since when did Ryhan become so close to the human? Jayk didn’t understand why he was reacting the way he was.

‘You know what, if Ryhan wants her, he can have her!’ he thought angrily, but as soon as the thought of Haylee and Ryhan together entered his mind, an involuntary growl escaped his lips and he knew no matter what he said, he wouldn’t want them to be together.  

He suddenly had the urge to go and visit Haylee. His feelings were getting worse and worse every day and he didn’t know why.

When he entered the room Haylee and Cason were busy playing a game of chess. Neither one of them noticed him.  

“At least you don’t cheat like Ryhan does,” She said as a fond smile crossed her lips.

That small sentence sent the already fuming dragon king in overdrive. He couldn’t stand to be in the room anymore. He needed air.

When he turned around to get away he bumped into the doctor.

“Excuse me, sire,” Tibult said apologetically.

“No it was my fault, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” Jayk said quickly.

“Well then- Sire, are you alright?” The doctor asked when he took a good look at Jayk who was extremely pale.

“Yes, now if you will excuse me-“

“No, let me at least give you a check up,” the doctor said firmly.

Jayk knew that it would do him no good to refuse the doctor he knew from a young age. The doctor led him down the stairs to his room where he gave him a quick check up.

The doctor checked is temperature and his ears and throat. The doctor nodded along and checked his eyes last. When he checked his eyes, his own widened.

“What?” Jayk asked when he noticed the doctor’s odd behavior.

“Nothing, sire. I was just wondering…” The doctor said as he started to pack away his equipment.

“What have you been wondering?” Jayk asked.

“When the young prince Ryhan will declare his feelings for Haylee.”

“Ryhan has feelings for Haylee?!” Jayk exclaimed in outrage.

“Yes, he spends a lot of time with her...and he calls her Haylee Baylee. They are cute together.”

“NO! There is no way I will allow it,” Jayk growled as his face became red and he jumped from his sitting position.

“Calm down! The only feelings Ryhan has towards Haylee is that of brotherly affection,” The doctor said as he let out a small chuckle.

Jayk gave him a perplexed look.

“Then why would you say something like that?” Jayk inquired trying to control his anger.

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