06 ▷ grand theft museum

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EMILY AND NICKY kept running until they got to the Egypt display. Out of breath, Emily pulled Nicky behind a pillar to hide, just in case Cecil and his friends were close behind them. She could hear the pharaoh screaming from inside the sarcophagus and rattling it around inside the display case.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps, and they sounded like they were coming from inside the same room. It was hard to tell where exactly they were coming from as the pharaoh was yelling in the background, but Emily waited until she thought they had passed hers and Nicky's hiding place before darting out from behind the pillar and aiming for the door, Nicky in tow. But she'd been wrong; Cecil jumped out in front of them, knocking Emily aside with a surprising amount of strength before he snatched the tablet out of Nicky's hands.

"Thank you very much," said Cecil as Gus and Reginald appeared in the doorway. "We'll take it from here."

That was when Larry burst in. "Nicky!" He ran over to his son, and Cecil pulled the metal gate across the doorway as Emily pulled herself off the ground.

"Just in time, Larry, we were just locking up." Cecil locked the gate.

"Sleep tight, hotshot," Gus said as the three former night guards left them behind.

"Well, looks like we're screwed." Emily remarked, gingerly probing a bruise on her forehead.

"That doesn't help," said Larry.

"It's not like there's a lot we can do!"

"No, but someone else might be able to help." Larry turned to the gate and called, "Teddy! Teddy, if you're out there, I need you, pal!"

Theodore Roosevelt came trotting up on his horse, Texas. "Someone call my name? Theodore Roosevelt, at your service."

Nicky was staring, in complete awe of the man (and horse) standing on the other side of the metal gate.

"Teddy, we really need your help," said Emily.

"Can you get us out of here?" Larry asked.

Teddy looked at them pityingly. "Can't do it, man. This is your moment."

"What, you can't pick a lock?" Emily frowned.

Larry ignored what she said. "Will you save the lectures, please? I'm not you, okay? I didn't build the Panama Canal. I wasn't president of the United States! We need some help. Come on."

Teddy looked sheepish as he said, "Actually ... I never did any of those things. Teddy Roosevelt did. I was made in a mannequin factory in Poughkeepsie. I never shot a wild beast. I'm not even brave enough to tell that beautiful woman I love her. But you ... you gotta finish the job this time. You can't quit. I'm made of wax, Larry. What are you made of?"

He paused for a moment before taking off down the hall, Texas's hooves clopping on the tiled floor.

"Wait! That's all you got for me?" Larry yelled after him.

"That's it!" Teddy called back.

So it was just up to them. They had to somehow bust out of that room, then steal the tablet back from Cecil, Gus, and Reginald, put it back where it belonged and make sure everyone was back in place before sunrise. But first...

"Guys?" Emily asked, drawing Larry's and Nicky's attention. "These Anubis guys kind of look like they're ready to kill us."

Larry looked up, and the Anubis statues stared right back. They were moving towards the three of them, looking ready to impale them on their spears. Emily ducked just in time as the one closest to her thrust its spear in her direction, missing her by a couple of inches. "Come on!" She called, getting to her feet and running towards the sarcophagus at the back of the room.

only if for a night [ahkmenrah]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz