Chapter 22:Calum

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hello, guys!!! I finally updated. yay!!! the 5sos fam is getting alot. let talk about Calum blonde streaks and his nude got leaked, and Michael died his hair red.   and I got an idea from someone. you know who you are. hope you enjoy


I played with my tea set and my bunny. Luke couldn't be here, because he was with Ashton. so that leaves me with Michael and Calum. Michael couldn't play with me because he is too "punkrock" for tea parties and Calum; I haven't asked him yet. maybe I should?

  "I be right back, bunny." I got up and turned to Michael. "dont hide bunny!" I placed my hands in my hips.


    "daddy, have you seen bunny?" I asked dad, he looked at me.  

  "I haven't seen him, where did you last seen it?" he said. I thought for a minute.

"I put it with my tea." I said. my little british voice seem to be strong at the moment ;it's probably because im worried about my bunny and it might be gone forever

  I look at my tea set once again, not there. I feel my lips quiver. I run up to Ashton again and throw myself against him. I started crying.  I want my bunny!

"I want my bunny." I hiccuped. I continue to cry abit more. Dad is trying to calm me but that dosent seem to help. I cried untill I felt something plush given to me. I looked from dads shoulder. Bunny! I lept up and grabbed the bunny; scowling at Michael.

"dont do that ever again." I said.

*end of flash back

      Michael looked me and nodded. good.

I walked of torwards Calum's bunk. Calum who was wearing a beanie, recently got back from somewhere. I don't know where he went. I stepped on the bunk that was in the botton.

   "Hi, uncle cal" I said. "can I have a cuddle?" I asked. Calum looked at me and picked me up. I was tucked in between Calum and the wall because I have a tendency of falling off the bunks. "whats wrong." I asked. I looked up at Calum. I saw abit of blonde. I reached up and grabbed his beanie off his head." Calum you have blonde hair!" I said.

"how do you like it?" Calum asked.

  "I love it." I exclaimed

"me too." Calum said abit softly.

"whats wrong." I said.

"I did something very bad." he shifted, and looked down at me.

  "what did you do." I asked.

  "people saw me naked." he said.

"ok, well those are noobs." I said.

  "where did you learn that?" uncle cal asked. he chuckled.

  "Dad, I have question" I said "why do fans ask Daddy to bang them like his drum, wouldn't that hurt?" I said.

  Calum laughed. "yah." he said in between laughter.

"whats so funny?" I asked. clearly I was confused why people want him to bang them like his drum. do you see how hard he plays the drums. he even broke one. I think banging people seems to be painful.

"nothing." Calum said. "you are something."

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