Chapter 5 - A New Gig.

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A month had passed since that night, and the guys were out of town for most of it.

Abel had finally been released from the hospital. Jax was nervous but excited to have his son home.

She met a couple of people, at a new poetry/jazz club that was just recently opened up named Bliss. Poetry clubs were right up her alley.

One night, after losing a bet to her new friends, Monica sung on the stage. Luckily for her, it was fairly scarce that night.

She wouldn't have been able to do it, if it was a full house. Stage fright was an absolute killer.

The introduction of Rufus & Chaka Khan's Tell Me Something Good started to play. It took her a minute to gain control of her nerves, but seeing her new friends dancing relaxed her quite a bit.

As she finished, applause and whoops were made from the partons and employees. Her three new friends, Cassandra, Adrian, and Whitney, were the loudest making Monica laugh at them.

The owner, a middle aged woman named Fatima, asked if she would like a gig. Monica declined, saying she worked at the hospital part-time.

Fatima was persistent though. She said Monica could make her own schedule, if she wanted.

Monica pondered for a few days and decided to entertain it.

Different universe, right? It's okay to try something new.

After thinking it over for two weeks, Monica decided Fridays would be a good night to sing a couple of songs.

Unbeknownst to her, Juice saw her through the entrance on her first night and told the rest of the boys about it.

Deciding that they had to witness this, they showed up to the poetry club.

Happy, Chibs, and Jax were accompanied by Opie, Tig, Bobby, Juice, Clay. They even let Half-Sac tag along.

It shocked the residents' to see the bikers there, but it was Charming after all.

The Sons sat in the back, but they still had a clear view of the stage.

They watched as Monica walked into the stage, dressed in a short black dress that was paired with caramel heels. Her hair was twisted into a low bun.

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Chibs, Happy, and Jax couldn't take their eyes off of her

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Chibs, Happy, and Jax couldn't take their eyes off of her.

Monica motioned to the DJ to start the song. She had picked one of her favorite songs Superstar by Usher.

(This is actually one of favorite songs of all time lol. I have loved this song since I was 12 or 13.)

The stage lights turned into a slightly red glow, throwing her off guard a bit. It was something new.

This is for you..
My number one..

She tried to collect her nerves, as she looked around the room. It was very crowded tonight.

Monica pointed to the stage lights, when she finished the introduction.

Spotlights, big stage
Fifty thousand fans screamin' in a rage

And limousines..
This is the way I see you in my dreams

Closing her eyes, she continued to sing.

Paparazzi flash,
hundred pictures all of you
Hangin' on my bedroom wall
I'm a kid again..
I feel like thirteen
But I knew, since we fell in love..

The lyrics certainly resonated with the men, who were staring at her.

I'll be your groupie, baby..
'Cause you are my superstar

I'm your number one fan,
give me your autograph
Sign it right here on my heart..

I'll be your groupie, baby..
'Cause you are my superstar

And as your number one fan
I'll do all that I can
To show you how super you are..

It might have not been their personal taste in music, but they were in awe and wouldn't mind hearing her sing again.

As she finished the song, her eyes landed on their table, shocked to see them.

She thanked the crowd before leaving the stage. After stopping to talk to her new coworkers and friends, Monica was able to find her way to their table.

"Hey, guys!" She smiled at everyone, as she walked up to them. She gave each one of them a hug.

When she went to Chibs, she heard him whisper in her ear, "You were amazing, luv."

"Thank you. I didn't expect to see you all." She admitted, blushing as much as her brown skin allowed her. She removed herself from his hug.

Monica couldn't miss the heated look that Happy was giving her. That man was dangerous, but there was something else in his eyes.

He twirled a toothpick, skillfully in his mouth, as he stared her down when she came to hug him.

"You look beautiful, little one." He told her, in that raspy voice of his. He nibbled at her ear.

She pulled back with shudder, not being able to look at him. He smirked at seeing how her body responded to him.

Jax had a wide smile on his face, as she hugged him, he nuzzled in her hair telling her she had a beautiful voice.

They're trying to ruin me, she thought asking as she asked their waiter for a drink.

The rest of the acts went on, and the boys seemed to truly enjoy their time at the little poetry club. It was something different for them, but the atmosphere was light and fun.

By the end of the night, Monica realized that she was more than attracted to Chibs, Happy, and Jax - and it took her by surprise.

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