Chapter 24

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My vision was clouded with red. Without thinking I handed Rhys the note and immediately went to my car.

I didn't care who it was who had sent such a threatening letter, I was going to kill them.

Luckily I knew the address listed on the letter. It was a construction site for a new shopping mall. I was also pretty sure that I was out of the gate before Rhys had even finished reading.

The trip to the construction site should have taken me 30 minutes if I was pushing the speed limit. In the end it took me 12 minutes. I didn't care if I had half of the police in Australia chasing after me, nothing was stopping me from getting to Gabe and Rose.

The construction site was crawling with people. Which was off considering the time of night. On closer inspection, it was crawling with DRONES. The red rings in their eyes I could see everywhere were dead giveaways. I had to fight a mental battle to suppress the glow in my own eyes. After all, it would be much harder to get the information and location of the people I wanted if the kidnappers were wary of me.

I ignored all the stares I was getting from the shadows and walked into the centre of the site where a clearing had been made and two massive support pillars stood, currently not bearing a load and pointing to the sky, at opposite ends of the clearing.

A raised platform stood at the head of the clearing with several people on it.

The moment I stepped into the clearing, muscular, bulky male drones restrained then handcuffed me. As I wanted to find out where my family was and who was behind all this, I just let them do it without a fight.

Even once I was 'secure' the drones still held onto me, of course, just in case.

"Welcome." Came a voice greeting me.

I must admit, it took every single ounce of my self control to not break my chains and murder Alex as he stood with his cronies, the iris of his eyes glowing completely purple. He made no attempt to hide it.

At least I know who was responsible now. The only question left to answer is where was Gabe and Rose.

"Do you like my little playground?" Alex asked me, taking my intense glare as an answer. Although it made me a little happy that he had no idea what this girl in the chains, could actually do.

"I don't believe you've had the privilege of meeting Gabe's brother Timothy." Alex purred, gesturing to one of the younger guys by his side.

Timothy looked scarily like Gabe and his movements were flawless as he bowed. One look at the violet rings in his eyes however, told me everything I needed to know about his 'illness'.

"Where are Rose and Gabe." I demanded of Alex.

Alex thought about playing dumb but seemed to think better of it as he gestured to the figures chained to the top of the pillars at either end of the clearing.

"I'm here to give you a choice little angel." Alex began arrogantly. "You see I'm a vampire, not the shitty kind that's born of that stupid virus either. I'm more like the monster from the fairy tales and I want your blood."

"So you have three options, the first option is to offer all your blood to me and sacrifice yourself so I'll let your friends go. The second option is to willingly consume my blood and become my slave forever or the third option is to choose which of your friends die" He paused then continued. "first." Option three still results in me draining you dry anyway. " The look of sheer pleasure on his face, betraying his true personality.

I stopped and counted at least 30 guys around me plus however many I couldn't see directly behind me. I had a decision to make and all I knew for certain at this point was that Alex was a Royal, both Gabe and Rose would witness whatever I was about to do and for some reason there were lots of drones around. But judging by their eye colors, they didn't belong to Alex.

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