5- Computer

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Cale ran towards the computer lab at the end of the hallway ( the canteen was situated in this same hallway). His major was computer programming and apparently it was the same as the guy he kissed.

Fuck my unlucky life and Fuck all the gay gods.

Cale had ran out of the canteen the moment he saw what his friends were up to. With friends like these why the hell would anyone need enemies. He had no problem over the fact that his friends were playing matchmaker for him but it was over the fact that it was with a guy who he played ' let me possibly choke with a chocolate ' with.

He tried to keep a low profile. The keyword is tried.

" Cale Adams," Leon announces as he walks towards Cale.

Cale puts on an uncomfortable smile as he turns towards Leon. He chuckles a little, his fingers playing with the ends of his shirt cause his bracelet was missing.

Cale assaults his lower lip with his lip as he waves a little to ease out the awkwardness in the atmosphere.

Leon has a smug smile on, both his hands in his jean pockets. Cale totally doesn't like how smug and confident the other looks while he on the other hand looks the total opposite.

For a moment he asks himself whether the other is really the person he kissed. But then all the confusion he had cleared away the moment Leon step forward entering Cale's personal space.

The chiseled face and the sharp jawline comes into focus. And of course the other's infamous lips trudged up in a smirk.

" Major- Computer programming, first-year." Leon continues, the smirk never leaving his lips. Cale gulps a little, the pause had almost killed him.

" Oo~ and an astonishingly good kisser." Cale was officially dead. His last wish being to not invite his friends to his funeral.


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