The Art of Candle Magick

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(This isn't mine, but I'm posting it here because the original website is down. Source:

Candle Magick is greatly desired by Witches. Almost always used in magick making, candles are associated with the fire element. They speak a magickal language, the words being expressed by the flickering and dancing of the candle flame, the billowing of the smoke, and the popping of the hot wax. Candles chatter, and the direction of the flame denote magical communication. Just sitting in a room lit only by a few candles or several creates this mystical, magickal experience as the flame of the candle dances in the darkened room. In one's temple, lit candles set the mystical atmosphere for what is to transpire that night. I have 48 candles in my temple and that does not count the Elemental candles nor the candles on my altar.

There are many questions on the art of candle magick. This section will show the different techniques in successful candle magick using feathers, rattles, oils, crystals and parchment paper. This teaches a simple yet successful way in burning candles and candle magick. Your candle magick can be very ceremonial or very simple. Sometimes, the simpler the better.

A lot of witches burn candles just about every night. They burn a candle in honor of the Goddess. Just burning a candle, too, puts you in the right frame of mind. Some witches, even if they are burning a candle in honor of the Goddess, still dress the candle. Dressing the candle means applying the right kind of oil and/or writing out on your candle what you want. So, you need to know the right kind of candle and the right oil. Most of this information is supplied in books which can be purchased are many book stores. If you can find a nice witchy shop, more the better.

Now you have to do a little homework for your candle magick to be successful. Research, research, research. There are planetary influences, there is whether the moon is waxing, full, or waning; there is the day of the week -- certain days are better to do the kind of magick you are looking for. There is also Moon Void Of Course. When the Moon is void of course, do not do any magick. If you want to do a simple candle magick, the most important thing would be the phase of the moon and the void of course. There is the oil or oils that you will need. Whenever you are searching for the right oil, you also need a catalyst which gives it that extra boost, like cinnamon. Catalyst herbs need to be in all spells (Note: I don't necesarily agree with this. Catalyst herbs are useful, but the spell will still work even if you don't have the exact herb. - Nyx). You need to use catalyst herb/oil along with your intended oil to send it off, to activate it. But just a pinch or drop or so of oil. They are:

Dragons Blood - all spells should have this herb. Whatever you put in, you get out.Allspice is good for money.Cinnamon - psychic work and love spell.Cloves - love and psychic.Galangal - this is a good one for prosperity.Lilac - with flower power (feminine).LavenderMuskMyrrh - another great oil which gives power to any oil.Ginger

The color of the candle is very important as well:

(Note: I revised this section to add a bit more detail. - Nyx)

White: Peace, purity, healing, cleansing, truth, sincerity. Neutral color, reflects all colors. Can substitute any other color.Red: Sexual and romantic love, passion, strength, health, energy, fire.Pink: Romantic love, friendship, honor, affection, family love, morality.Orange: Courage, attraction. This is good for a calling.Yellow - Positive energy, solar energy, well-being, intellect, inspiration, consecration, intuition, memory, meditation, divination.Green: Finance, health, healing, faerie magic, prosperity, luck, growth, fertility, changes, renewal.Blue: Spirituality, healing, calm, memory, tranquility, patience, protection, peace, truth, emotions.Indigo: Third eye, psychic power/awareness. Helps to see aura if you can't already.Purple: Royalty, wisdom, intuition, decadence, spirituality, power, ambition, fortune, divinity.Brown: Stability, earth magic, neutrality, grounding, blessings, finding lost objects.Grey: Intuition, calming.Black: Banishing, binding, protection, calling Shadows, Samhain, Dark Mother and Lord of Shadows

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