Chapter One

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It's 8:30 am on Monday and I've been anticipating this day for the entire six weeks of the summer holiday. I'm finally going to University!

I get up and physically drag myself into the shower.  The warm water instantly wakes me up and now I'm ready to face today and the next four years ahead.

I squeeze into my new black V-Neck dress  and begin applying some light bronzer and mascara to my face and lashes.  My mum always  tells me that I don't need makeup, but I just use it to enhance my features more.

I'm so nervous, I can't actually believe I'm leaving my childhood home. It was apart of my most happiest memories and it's sad to think that I won't make my new ones here.

"Here's my big girl!" Dad shouts from the kitchen table, holding his newspaper as he does every morning.  Like seriously? who even reads the paper newspaper when you have full access to the news on your phone!

"Morning dad." I laugh I'm not a big girl just yet.

"Where's mum?" I ask.

"She's putting some of your suitcases in the boot of the car." He replies using a metal spoon to mix the sugar in his coffee. If you haven't realised my dad is very lazy, but he does his best to provide for us and attends work nearly everyday.

Just as I'm turning to go back upstairs to brush my teeth. Mum appears from the front door looking joyful and rosy.

"Morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" Mum asks placing two slices of bread into the toaster.

"I slept good, I'm just really nervous for today." I reply  back, feeling slightly sick thinking about it.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I was like that on my first day too. But you will feel at home in no time!" She squeezes my nose, I really hate when she does that it's so embarrassing.

As I step out of the house, nostalgia washes all over me. I feel the familiar warmness of the sun beaming down on me.

Mum and Dad are already in the car, fighting over which one will drive. They always do this. They share a car between the two of them but it's funny when they fight over it.  I keep telling them to buy another car, but they're saving up as much money to buy a house in Italy.

"Bye Ryan, I love you!" I walk out of the door.

Bye sis, be safe." He calls out placing his headphones in his ears. My brother loves his music, he even has them in when he falls asleep.

Time had escaped from us very rapidly ,and we were only an  hour away from Oxford.  I could feel  the butterflies fluttering in my stomach and I could taste the saltness in my mouth.

Suddenly my phone starts to vibrate, I reach into my pocket and a message pops up from Courtney.

"I can't wait to see what it actually looks like inside!" -Sent from Courtney's iPhone.

"You pay too much attention to the little things!" I reply back.

Courtney, was my  friend, I knew her since primary school. When year 11 came round she would push me out of my house and we would go shopping and get our nails done. And when I was upset or needed someone to talk to she would always be there  listening.  Luckily, she would be joining me at Oxford so I wouldn't be entirely all by my self.

What a relief.

We slowly make our way up towards the front desk dragging my heavy suitcases with me. We meet our tour guide and she introduces herself as Emma. She has wavy  chocolate brown hair, that rests nicely on  her shoulders, hazel brown eyes that had so much life in them and a beautiful white smile.

She kindly showed us the around the campus. She walks us through the main lobby thats enormously big, and expensive looking sliver  chandlers were  present in every room,  glossy mahogany wood flooring was fitted on the floors making it look perfect for a wedding reception.

Now it was time for the part I've been dreading the most. It's never easy saying goodbye, it never gets easier with time.

"I'm going to really miss you Mum." I say giving her a hug, my eyes already watering.

"Are the crying, Maddison dear?" Mum asks, smiling softly.

"No, no it's the hay fever, I get watery eyes." I lie. I quickly wipe dry my eyes and try to sound normal.

Put your hands up if you ever covered up your crying as 'allergies'

"I'm going to miss you too, Maddie. But don't you worry we can visit and talk all the time."

"That's if your roommate doesn't mind." She says cheerfully pulling me in for another hug.

That made me start of wonder. Who is my roommate?

"Bye, Dad" I say walking towards him.

"Goodbye Maddison, get settled in and focus on your studies. And stay away from them University boys, they are always trouble." He warns I quickly just brush it off.

"Me? With boys? I don't think so dad." I laugh trying to not make this awkward as it already is. He kisses me on the cheek.

Mum and dad  finally leave and blow me a kiss through the door before turning on their feet and walking towards the car.


I hope you guys liked the first chapter! This is my first ever book, so please give it some love and I'm looking forward writing many more in the future!

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