Chapter 34 Ryan's Love

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Hey everyone please make sure to the songs I attach with each chapter they are all special and hopefully goes along with everyone 😉
So the song and artists for the is chapter are as follows:

Song Name: Different World
Artist Name: Alan Walker feat. Sofia Carson, K-391 & CORSAK.

So without a further a do a brand new chapter.

Chapter No. 34

Amalie's POV:

"Amalie, if you keep smiling like that I'm seriously gonna throw up." Ryan said making puking sounds.

That earned him a smack on the top of his head by his girlfriend and assistant Emma, to which I giggled, "Woman, what's wrong with you?"

He glared at her, "Well if you would stop being an idiot than I would have no problem. And besides Amalie deserves all the happiness."

She smiled at me. Since we were on break from the shooting and decided to go have lunch together. Thankfully Austin finally approves of Ryan only after finding out that he already has a girlfriend, I shook my head at my boyfriend's possessiveness.

"Man, you hit like a bear." Ryan complained.

"You want another one, dear?" Emma asked sweetly.

Wow who needs TV to remove boredom when you have these two? These two are one of a kind, "No thanks I'm great." He answered raising his hands in surrender.

"Amalie, would you show me the pendant Austin gifted you?" Emma asked curiously.

I nodded and took off the pendant I was wearing so she could have a better look. Austin gave it to me yesterday after he made it absolute clear there was in no way in hell would he let any other man have which made me giggle. Also he made me promise that I would always wear it no matter what. I'm not much of a jewelry fan but this is special and something I would cherish.

It was pure platinum chain and as for the pendant it has two hearts inner heart and outer heart, outer heart encrusted with small diamonds whilst the inner heart had carved heart shaped diamond

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It was pure platinum chain and as for the pendant it has two hearts inner heart and outer heart, outer heart encrusted with small diamonds whilst the inner heart had carved heart shaped diamond.

She gave it back to and I put it on, "Wow it's really special and looks as though, it's specially made."

"It is. Austin told me that he had it specially designed." I smiled.

"Well I'm just glad that you found someone who truly cares about you, M, that's what really matters." Ryan said.

I nodded in agreement then remembered, "So how did you two finally end up together?"

Emma sighed, "I'd say unfortunately..."

"Sweetheart you can forget that I would let any other man near you." Ryan said sternly leaving no room argument.

To which Emma giggled, "Actually when he ruined my date with whomever my best friend had set up, he took me to dinner and asked me to be his girlfriend. But since whatever he did was forceful. I told him stop being an asshole and maybe I'll think about it. To top it off, for an entire month he was send different presents every day with a small message card and each different from the other. Not only that he enlisted my mother to help him while my dad supported me even he was won over, and I finally gave in."

"Wow I'm surprised you actually decided to pay heed to my advice."

"Wait, you told him to send me those presents?" Emma asked baffled.

"Oh no, no, no, I only gave him the idea of apologizing by using what you like most the rest is all him."

"I honestly wonder how'd you figure out what I liked?" Emma asked.

"Well, I have like you the day you came in my father's office for the interview for the post of the secretary. I forced dad to hire you for me. He was impressed by your skills and degree and you are confident, a quality dad admires in his employees. But I on purposely made him tell you that there was no available position and since you were in kind of a hard position at that time we offered you double the salary of an assistant if you'd work for me. That way I was able to observe you and figure out your likes and dislikes." Ryan confessed.

Emma looked shocked, "Wait one second, how exactly did you know that I was in a tight spot? I never let anyone know about it."

"Actually that wasn't the first time that you met me. The first time you met was when I was seriously injured and on the verge of death. You found me stranded in an alley. I was a complete stranger to you but you still helped me. Luckily the hospital happened to be the one where Amalie's sister worked as an intern so she recognized me. After recovering I had my private investigators find anything and everything about you. Even though, you were in a really tight position in the form of financial terms but you still took care of all the medical expenses at the hospital. I didn't want to approach like that so took an indirect approach by going to your parents and brother and explaining how I met you. And asked them to keep it a secret from you. I know you're a strong headed woman who believes that she can do anything once you set your mind to it." He smiled.

I remember those were the days that I was still recovering and was the last day in hospital when Ryan was suddenly brought over. Now I recall that where I had seen Emma before now it all made sense.

Emma clasped her hands to her mouth astonished, "Oh God! I remember, I always worried whether he was alright or not. I can't believe it's you!"

Well that is interesting, I didn't want to ruin their moment thankfully my cell started to vibrate indicating someone calling and silently left them alone and went outside to receive it, "Sissy!" a person on the other end squealed.

I know that voice anywhere, "Hey, Hailey!" I laugh.

"Sissy, when are you gonna be home?" Hailey asked enthusiastically.

"Hails! You were supposed to surprise your sister!" A woman said on the other end.

I giggled, "Sorry momma, but I miss sissy." By the tone of her voice I could easily guess that Hailey was pouting.

"Alright, fine now let me talk to your sister." I heard silence then she spoke, "Hello, Amalie, dear how are you?"

"I'm well Stella, how're you?"

"Great, if you count your sister who drives me nuts and is a daddy's little princess." Stella sighed.

"Well that's Hailey for you. So when did you guys get back?" I asked.

"2 hours ago max. I wanted to surprise you but Hailey couldn't keep quiet for 3 more hours." Stella groaned at the end.

Which earned a laugh from me, "well she is my sister for a certain reason, right?"

"I swear to God, that Hailey loves you and Alec more than me."

"Nah, she just likes to tease you a lot although I might even beat Uncle Alec in favoritism." I giggled.

Seeing Emma and Ryan coming out I say goodbye to them and head over to them, "Let's head over and finish the shooting?"

"Sounds like a plan." Ryan said and we head back to the studio.

Little did I know that more surprises awaited for me when returning.

Till next time,

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