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Image is Jazz. 

"Toronto?" I exclaimed, stepping back. "You've got to be kidding me! Why there?"

Draver settled his spoon into his empty bowl, swallowing. "He's right. Ties from Ireland are visiting there. One of strongest bloodsisters is a Lycan as old as vampires themselves. She'll be able to give us a safe place to stay."

I grew queasy at the thought of an ancient Lycan. "I'd rather not..."

"Well you don't have a choice." Stark snapped. "It's either that or put your pack at risk-"

"I can't just leave them, damn it!" 

Jazz placed his hand on my shoulder, steadying my shaky form. "Keep calm. We need to think this through completely."

Castor snorted as he walked back from the kitchen, sitting at the edge of the bed next to the Draver as he pulled on his shoes. "Come on, Jazz. Well all know once those two make up their mind, there's no going back." he gestured to my mate and bed-ridden Alric.

"Please." I turned my eyes to Alric. "I can't leave here. What about my brother? And Marie? And Ryker and Ryland? They're hurt because of me, I can't leave- I won't!"

Stark sighed heavily, shoving his hands into the pockets of the blue jeans that he and the others had found in the closet. "You will. That's final. Do I make myself clear?" the icy tone of his voice had me flinch back. Gone was my mate, and here stood the Alpha of the Lycans.

"We should leave now." Castor spoke. "Their footsteps are in the snow. I can feel it."

I frowned. "How?"

"Natural affinity for speed and snow." he replied, standing up. "It's a Lycan thing."

"All of you have it?"

They exchanged weary gazes. "Not exactly." 

I didn't have time to question Draver over what not exactly meant in Lycan terms. The door flew open under the strain from the viscious snow storm outside. Ballard and Erika stood there, both cloaked in parkas, the sound of Ballard's six seater Ford Explorer's engines rumming slightly.

"What are you doing here!?" This was bad. This was really, really bad. 

Ballard frowned as he stepped in with his wife. "We came to bring you back out of this storm,"

"You need to leave." Alric muttered. "Now."

Shock slapped their faces once they took in Alric's bloodied and bruised form. "What happened?" Erika breathed.

"Vampires." Jazz stepped forward. "We're taking Katya to Toronto. She'll be safe there. The threat of the rogue clans will leave with her."

"She's our Luna," Erika started. "She can't leave! Our pack will collapse without her- and until Alpha Mikhail finds his mate, Luna Katya isn't going anywhere."

Stark took on a whole new level of possession, one that made me feel like an item rather than a she-wolf.

"I will not have you digging your noses in my and Katya's business. As far as you're concerned, she's no longer the Luna of her brother's pack; she is my mate. She belongs with me, in Ireland." he said slowly, anger layered thinly under his tone. His silver orbs flickered to mine, then locked back on Ballard and Erika. "We don't have time for you. If you value your lives, you need to leave. Now. Tell your Alpha that we're taking Katya to Toronto."

Lycanthropy (Lycan Series: #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora