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Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon a Time or any crossovers I may end up using!

(A/N) So I removed the fireball spell with pyrokinesis though Emma can still make the fireball.
Now, what should Emma's magic color be? It will stay black until the color is chosen.


Emma stared at the text, trying to read the window. Emma had another nightmare. On the same night. As soon as she woke up gasping for breath, a blue window had popped up. Narrowing her eyes, Emma attempted again to read the text.

System 1.1 is now available!


- The Fireball spell has been changed to Pyrokinesis!

- The firearms skill name has been changed to Marksmanship!

- A new system has been added. The Moirai System!

- When you kill any being, you will gain a point, after collecting a certain amount of points. You may spend your points in the lottery to earn skills, items, and stat points!

- 1 spin - 1,000 points

- 2 spin's - 10,000 points

- 3 spins - 50,000 points

- 4 spins - 100,000 points

- 5 spins - 200,000 points

- Reset's every 24 hours!


- The gamer's mind was not working correctly. That issue has been addressed.

- The bug that forces you into the world when using ID Create has been fixed.

- Dream's/Nightmare's have been removed.

Emma blinked blearily. She had read the changes as well as she could. But at the moment in her sleep-addled mind, all she really understood was that there was a lottery system added, and some bug fixes.

Closing the window, Emma snuggled into her blanket. Hopefully, she could now get some sleep.


Emma groaned lightly as the sun appeared on her face. Opening her eyes slightly, she glared at the window. Why hasn't she closed the curtains? Getting up off of the bed, Emma noticed a disgusting smell. Turning around, Emma looked back at the bed.

They're covering the bed where Emma was laying was blood. Wincing, Emma glanced down at her clothes. Sure enough, her clothes were soaked in the now dry blood. "Why hadn't I cleaned myself up last night," muttered Emma as she walked to the bathroom. She couldn't go to Granny's looking like this.

Twenty minutes later, a clean and showered Emma was staring at her inventory. Previously Emma had gotten a starter pack and skill book as rewards. Now she was about to see what they did. Clicking on the starter pack, Emma read the window.

Starter pack opened!

x 2 basic outfits

x 1 knife

x 1 pistol

x 100 small ammo

x 10 free stat points

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