Your 1D and 5SOS M&G

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When you go back stage a man in black shows you to a door, You take a deep breath and walk in seeing the nine faces that make you're live perfect! Photo's are taken and hugs are given, Michael and Louis both give you kisses and Ashton asks you about Twitter making the other boys jealous and before you know it they are all begging for you're twitter and following you, but Calum is the boldest and he asks you for you're phone number, you decide to tease him and say, "I really shouldn't give my number out to strangers, I mean I hardly know you...." This drives him wild and before you know it he is making a date with you! Lucky girl!

What they think of you...

Luke: She is a really fit girl..

Ashton: Y/n is cute, I'm gonna tweet her a bunch.

Michael: Y/N is pretty sexy I'm not gonna lie, I think we are gonna be seeing her a lot more.

Calum: Dayyyymn! She is perfect! I cannot believe that she liked our band enough to want to meet us, I'm so excited for our date.

Harry: She's a pretty girl but I have eyes for someone else.

Niall: She is super cute and really funny, I would like to hang out with her some more!

Louis: I'm secretly totally in love with Y/N, don't tell Cal!! But I might try and win her from him...

Liam: Y/N is a nice girl.

Zayn: She is a really beautiful person.

Paul: She didn't seem like a crazy, maybe I can trust this fan around the boys without supervision....

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