I Dislike Her

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After I made it to my next class, my mind was kind of everywhere. I wonder what happened to that guy, and I looked down at my desk. Looking back up, and I tried to listen to my Spanish teacher tell us about Rome. I don't know why he was talking about Rome, but no was was listening close enough anyway.

The intercom then came on, interrupting him, and everyone in the class got quiet. I took this time to copy the stuff the teacher had written on the board.

"Please send Melissa King to the office, to leave."


Staring at the teacher he nodded his head to me and went back to teaching. Putting my stuff away, I stood up leaving the classroom silently. I never get picked up, I wonder what is going on. Making it to the office, there was my Dad. His green eyes looked worried and he was fidgeting meaning that he was nervous about something, and I moved to him.

"What's going on Dad?"

"Nana collapsed, come on we are going to the hospital."

My eyes widen, and I stood there kind of froze. Nana was 86 years old, such a fragile woman, I felt my heart drop in my stomach. Dad took my hand giving it a squeeze and pulled me with him out of the school. Walking to the school all of these what ifs were popping in my head, and I bit my lower lip. I hope that Nana is alright.

By the time we got to the hospital, it was around noon and the traffic was thick. I quietly frowned down at the ground as I followed behind Dad as we went into the hospital. Going down the hall, I felt a shiver run through me, I hate the hospitals. It was always cold and had this unusual smell here, another shiver went through me and down my spine. Moving closer to Dad slowly taking his hand, he gave my hand a tight squeeze.

As we came to an elevator, he pressed the up button and the doors opened. Getting inside, it was quiet for a while both of us in our thoughts. I guess I can say, we were both nervous. When we got to our level, I could hear the sound of crying even before the doors opened. I felt my heart drop again, but Dad just guided me along.

We passed a few doors that were empty and others with family inside until we came to this room. He let my hand go and opened the door going in. There was Nana in a bed, she had an IV in her right arm, and a book in her lap. She looked up at us shocked, and a big smile formed on her face.

"Malcolm, Melissa."

She held her arms open, and I ran to her. Carefully making sure not to crush her IV, I hugged her tightly. She gave me a kiss on my forehead, pulling back smiling. Dad then moved to her other side and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"How are you feeling Ma?"

"I'm fine baby."

"They said you collapsed."

"Oh no dear, I just felt a little light headed."

My heart then felt at ease, and the door was then thrown open, and we whipped our heads around. There was Aunt Cali, red in the face, and I took a step to the side. She then moved in my spot taking Nana's hand.

"Oh Mom, are you ok?"

"I'm fine sweety, these doctors just going overboard."

Aunt Cali put a hand on her chest and gave her a big smile.

"That's great."

"So she is ok?"

Turning my head, there stood no one, but my cousin Catherine. She had long blonde hair and brown eyes. She wore a hot pink shirt and a white skirt. She had her hands on her hips staring, and I looked away. I love Aunt Cali to death, but I can't stand her daughter and her daughter can't stand me.

Soon everything felt a little crowded in here when the doctor came inside. So I stepped out for a moment, leaning against the wall, I took a few deep breaths. The door then opened and I turned my head to see Catherine step out. She stared at me for a moment, and a look of pure disgust fell on her face. Rolling my eyes, I looked away from her and down the hall.

"So Melissa..."

Turning my head back to her, she had leaned across from me.

"So Catherine..."

"I'll be starting school tomorrow."


She rolled her eyes, and I looked away.

"So what's up with your outfit?"

Staring down at what I had on, it was just a tee-shirt and some jeans. Looking back at her, she smirked at me.

"You'll never get a boyfriend looking like that."

I felt my cheeks start to heat up, and I stared down at the floor.

"Oh wait, I bet none of the boys notice you anyway."

Glaring at her, I didn't really want to deal with her shit. Moving from the wall, I went and walked down the hall to the elevator. I could hear her laughter behind me, and as I got in the elevator I felt like crying. Of course I didn't have a boyfriend, I hardly have any friends. I'm invisible to every other student at school.

Leaving the hospital, I found myself at a little park, that was close by. Walking to a swing, I sat down and started swinging. I felt sad, like normal, but no one knew that. Stupid Catherine, and I felt a lone tear slid down my face.

The swing next to me then moved, and I turned my head to see a boy. He was facing the other direction. Wiping my tear away, I stared down at the ground quietly, and it started to get darker. It also got colder, and I started rubbing my arms. I was cold, but I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay here and swing.

The guy beside me was in a grey hoodie and dark jeans. He had his hood up and his head down, so I couldn't see what his face looked like. Sighing, I sniffled and a gust of wind blew against me making me shiver.

I feel so alone

The swing beside me then swung, and that guy was now sitting in front of me. I didn't look up though, and his hoodie was then laid on my lap.

"I see you, Melissa."

Snapping my head up, I went to look at him, but he was already walking away. The only thing I saw was curly brown hair.

Just who was that

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