Chapter 10: Josiah

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I pace in my office my nerves on end and my wolf enraged. After sending Madison to the cells I had followed Jeremiah and Cassandra upstairs going to my conjoined office. His door had been closed which prevented me from seeing what they were doing. After finding out some of our mates' past, and the alphas that tried to steal her from us before we met her, I've wanted to find every single one of them and rip their heads from their bodies. To think that someone tried to lay their hands on what is mine had my blood boiling out of control.

"Cassandra..." I could hear Jeremiah scold. Pressing my ear against the door I focus my senses listening to their conversation. Shuffling came from the other side along with fumbling.

"Watch yourself little mate." he growled playfully.

"I want to, let me return the favor." Cassandra's sweet voice giggled behind the door, the tone in her voice seducing every fiber of my being.

"There is no favor to return, Tasting your sweetness was enough for me." Jeremiah spoke softly his voice dripping with love and adoration. He opened his mind to me. I almost gasped at the sight. Through his eyes I could see Cassandra on her knees in front of him, her lips wrapped around his length. Her head bobbed as she looked up at him through her eye lashes. She looked like a pure seductress, and I wanted a piece. Jeremiah shut the link out again preventing me from watching any further. growling lowly I storm out of my office downstairs and outside shifting mid run. I needed an evening in the forest to get rid of this frustration before I took it out on anyone.

For the next week Cassandra avoided me, Jeremiah glared at me, and he teased me by opening up our link for me to see him kissing her, the way she smiled at him, how beautiful her body was when she climaxed, and the way she took him to the back of her throat without problems. Jealousy coursed through my veins as I worked on paperwork. I wanted her, I needed her, I craved her. My wolf was constantly on edge, even during our runs or training. He wanted his mate and so did I. After finishing up paperwork I headed downstairs to the kitchen. Our beta Bryan and his mate, our younger sister, Lily sat at the counter eating steak, potatoes, and broccoli.

"Good evening, Elaine." Elaine Turned around with a plate of food in her hand, setting it on the counter.

"Good evening, Alpha." She bowed as she took her spot back at the stove cooking more steak and potatoes.

Elaine was the head cook of the pack, she had explained to us multiple times that she would prefer the kitchen, she claimed it made her feel like a mother on account that she and her mate had only one pup that was constantly traveling, our head warrior Damien.

"Bryan, Lilly." I nod at them in greeting.

"We haven't seen much of you lately." Bryan grinned from behind his fork. Lily snickered at his comment.

"Paperwork." I grumbled out. Bryan nodded his stupid smirk never leaving his face.

"You still think you're in the right?" Lily asked. I glared at her for a moment, letting out a sigh. I shake my head no. I hated when she was right, she'll be rubbing it in for the rest of our lives.

"Josiah, I've told you dozens of times. You need to be gentle with her. You have no clue what she has been through, what she has experienced. You have to give her time to trust you." Lily explained acting as if I was a child that didn't know any better.

"Jeremiah will not let me see her. Plus he's been showing me snippets of what they've been up to and it's driving me crazy." I groaned, running my hands through my hair in frustration.

"I've got a serious case of blue balls thanks to those two. Jeremiah has been linking me what they have been up to and it's driving me crazy." I admitted. Lily snorted choking on her broccoli while Bryan chuckled, rubbing her back as she continued laughing through a mouth full of food. After getting her breathing under control Lily broke out once again in pure laughter, her face turned pink as she continued laughing earning an annoyed groan from me.

"You have the worst luck." Bryan laughed, shaking his head.

"Why didn't you call me?" A revolting voice purred in my ear. Jolting away from the voice I saw Madison standing next to me, she wore a revealing top that pushed up her cleavage and a pair of shorts that looked far too short, disgusting.

"I thought you would have learned your lesson by now?" I quipped glaring at her. She watched me with hungry eyes, they scanned over my body mentally unclothing me making me regret even sleeping with her in the first place. Thinking back to that night, my body had urged me to reject her but I was in so much rage that I imagined her as Cassandra having my way with her and being as rough as I wanted.

"Come on baby," She purred, reaching towards me.

"I need yo-" Madison was cut off by the angry voice of a pissed off alpha female.

"Get your damn hands off of MY MATE!" We turned in shock to find Cassandra standing in the doorway with Jeremiah, his arm was wrapped around her waist with a lazy expression on his face. Our eyes met and he gave me a smirk, one that was showing he was enjoying torturing me.

I noticed hickies littered Cassandra's neck where our marks were to go. She wore a black dress that ended at her mid-thigh revealing her smooth chocolate legs. My pants tighter at the thought of being buried between her legs for hours on end. Cassandra broke out of Jeremiah's grasp strutting over to Madison, confidence and anger rolling off of her in waves. Her palm connected to Madison's cheek with a sharp slap sending her head turning to the side. Madison turned her head looking at Cassandra, rage filling her face.

"Submit!" Cassandra growled her alpha tone pushing through to Madison. Madison resisted baring her teeth and crouching ready to strike.

"SUBMIT!" Cassandra practically yelled, shaking the entire room. Reluctantly Madison showed her neck in submission, I watched Cassandra with wide eyes amazement being the only word going through my mind.

"You have overstepped your bounds. Keep your hands off of my mates and stay out of my sight. You are lucky I am even allowing you to remain a warrior. If it was up to me you'd be kicked out and rogue." Cassandra bellowed in anger. Whipping her head to my direction she stalked over to me. Grabbing my face she smashed her lips to mine claiming me right then and there. Our lips moved in unison as we molded together, a perfect fit. Wrapping my arms around her waist I pull her impossibly closer wanting to feel every inch of her pressed against my skin. Pulling away Cassandra panted for a moment before turning her attention back to Madison.

"Get out of my sight." She growled in warning. Madison visibly stiffened before turning and scurrying out of the room. Removing herself from my grasp Cassandra walked back over to Jeremiah where he replaced his arm around her waist.

"Good evening." He smirked, placing a kiss on Cassandra's head.

"Good evening, Cassie!" Lily chirped from next to her mate.

"When had you two become close?" I asked looking between the two.

"When Jeremiah had been busy with paperwork, and she became a...distraction, She has been with me learning about the pack." Lily explained I nodded solemnly, realizing that my mate preferred to be with anyone but me, I had to admit that stung a little.

"Ah, That's right." Jeremiah spoke up suddenly. "Cassandra, will be staying with you while I am visiting other packs. I will only be gone for about a week at the most. I will be sure to let you know when I will be traveling back." Jeremiah smiled at me with a look of mischief playing on his features. Finally, I'll have time to get to know my mate.

"Who is going with you?" I questioned, my eyes never leaving our mate.

"Bryan will be going along with me, Gamma Aofie will be staying here with you as mock beta until we return." Jeremiah explained quickly. I nodded in understanding.

"Are you comfortable staying here with Josiah? You can spend your time with Lily as well if you'd like." Jeremiah questioned, glancing down at Cassandra. My heart skipped a beat as I waited for her answer. I wanted to get to know my mate, and it is not going to happen if she is avoiding me like wildfire. Cassandra stayed silent for a second thinking over the answer.

"I'll stay with Josiah." She answered, her face void of emotion. I wish I could tell what she was thinking.

"Okay, now that's settled, let's eat." Jeremiah clapped bringing Cassandra to her seat between us; they each sat down digging into their food. Wanting to feel the sparks my hand slipped over onto Cassandra's thigh causing her to tense up. This is going to be fun. 

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