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Dear Readers, I have tried to adopt a non-typical way of Epilogue here. Although it depicts Happily-ever-After of MehRya, this can be considered as new beginning to the story of their next generation. Share your thoughts whether you would like to read a new love story of Mehek and Shaurya' s son Veer.

20 years later.

Shaurya walked into Khanna mansion after a tiring day at work. He felt odd that the house was in dark without a single light. As soon he entered, he was welcomed by a shrill cry of his daughter Nayani who jumped on him from a corner. "Happy Wedding Anniversary, Pappa", she wished him loudly. "Thank you, my Princess", he hugged her affectionately. Although he already knew about the party, he acted surprised. "Pappa, I made a cake for you", she giggled with excitement. "It would have been a disaster if I hadn't helped her", Manju walked from behind and wished him. Shaurya admired the arrangements made of his big day but  looked around eagerly. Mehek was missing and it was rare. "The person whom your eyes are searching will be appearing shortly. Till then you have to wait patiently", Nayani made fun of her father while Shauyra pinched her cheeks. 

After few minutes, Mehek graced him with her presence. He couldn't take his eyes off her while she walked down gracefully from the stairs. She wore a designer ivory colored saree that complimented her beauty. It's been two decades since they are married but he still adored her. Time couldn't falter their emotions and with each day he loved her more & more. "It's bad manners to stare", a voice rebuked him from behind. Shaurya turned to find his son Veer, Dr Veer. "Happy Anniversary Pa", he wished and hugged his father. 26 year old Veer still remained as a carbon copy of his father. "I am so happy that you could find time for your old man", Shauyra cupped Veer's face with one hand. "I wouldn't have dared to miss it", Veer spoke honestly. 

When Mehek came beside them with Nayani, Veer went ahead and squeezed her in a bear hug. "Happy Anniversary, Ma". She blessed him by pecking his forehead. "Look Shaurya, Veer got me this beautiful saree", she showed it off to Shaurya. Although Shaurya had gifted her much costlier gifts, he could easily make out her pride while displaying her son's gift. "Ma, it is not exclusive or expensive. Something I could afford in my salary. You didn't have to wear it in today's party", Veer suddenly felt embarrassed. "Why won't she?", Nayani jumped in, "Ma is looking stunning in it. She will be object of admiration in today's party and Pa will have to fight away her admirers". They all laughed and group hugged. Young Nayani made them pose for a cute groupfie.  Soon guests started to pour in and party was in full swing.

Shaurya searched for his son. As expected, he found him a lone corner, holding his drink. It pained Shaurya to know that Veer prefers solitude even amidst their close family & friends. Shauyra reminisced old version of Veer, who used to be life of every party. But he had changed a lot. Veer loved his work and managed to drown himself in work. He was indeed successful and renowned in profession. Yet Shaurya felt it was not healthy to lose himself in his career. Sensing his presence, Veer turned his attention to his father. They moved to balcony to get some fresh air. 

"I am sorry I didn't get any gift for you", Veer apologized. Shaurya brushed it away, "You decided to take a break from work and spend time with us. That's enough for me. We miss you a lot, son especially your Ma. The smile that I saw on your mother's face is the best gift". "Still Pappa...", Veer wasn't appeased. "Fine, if you insist, then there is something I wish for", Shaurya spoke catching Veer's attention. " A chance ", Shaurya spoke. "Pa, I didn't get you ?", Veer was unable to understand. "Give yourself another chance, Veer. Don't be afraid to leap again", Shaurya explained. Veer looked away unable to meet his father's eyes. His family had always supported him but it was still difficult to breach the topic.

"Son, how many times you have heard our story. Life was not easy for me & Mehek too. But we had enough courage to face it , fight for it and grab our second chance", he kept his hand over his son's shoulder. "I know. But things are different for me", Veer moved away. "Every heartbroken man thinks the same, Veer. But trust me when I say I had gone through the same", Shaurya sighed as he knew his son was still nursing a wounded heart. Once he had hoped that time will heal Veer but it proved otherwise. He was afraid that Veer may absolutely shut down and become a workaholic zombie without a family. "You and Ma are legends. A couple made in heaven", Veer mused," but miracles are rare". "Veer, you are our miracle", Shaurya told him affectionately, "it pains me to see you withering lonely". "I am not lonely. I have my family. You, Ma and Nayani are with me. I am not alone", he tried to convince Shaurya. Sensing his father is not convinced, he tried to pacify him, "Don't worry about me, Pa. I am not a kid anymore". "I wish you were", Shaurya sighed. It was tough to convince his son, afterall he was as stubborn as his mother, "one day you will meet the one made for you. Please don't push her away and let your past spoil your future ". Shaurya started walk back to join the party when Veer voiced, "Pa, I am a practical man who lives in the present. You know I don't believe all those mushy stuffs of soulmates and lovers destined for one another. But I promise that I will try to move on". It was enough to bring a smile on Shaurya's face. He nodded and left Veer alone.

"Did you get a chance to talk to Veer?", Mehek asked Shaurya. They were getting ready for bed and Mehek was eager to know about Veer. As if anticipating it, he dodged, "He is doing fine. You are worrying unnecessarily". Mehek look at him being annoyed. "Relax , Mehek. I talked to him. He is absolutely sorted out. Now he is just focusing on his career. I am sure he will start dating again once he finds the apt girl", he tried to pacify her. Although he wanted to be honest, he knew nothing good will come out of worrying his wife. "How will he find her if he spends all time in the hospital?", Mehek was exasperated. "May be a sexy nurse will turn up in his cabin and seduce him", he naughtily laughed and hugged her from behind, "Remember the role play we did few days back". Years passed since she was with him, but he still manages to make her blush. She giggled and rested her head back on his shoulder. He rubbed her arms softly to comfort her. "He will be fine Afterall he is our son". She nodded and sighed in relief. "Well, where is my gift?", he tickled her.

Mehek turned to capture his lips. The comforting gesture soon became passionate and Shaurya groaned in delight. As he deftly removed her night rob, he was taken aback. "Not that I am complaining. But what are you wearing my dear Wifey?", his jaw fell in amazement. "Some sexy lingerie Sonal got for me from her foreign trip", Mehek posed revealing her curves and sat on their bed displaying her bare legs. She summoned him using her forefingers, "care to join me, dear Hubby". He admired her boldness that managed to keep him hooked even after many wonderful years. He slammed his mouth on her and pushed her onto their bed. The night is going to be long and adventurous for them.

Veer marched into his cabin. It was late night. Although it was not his turn to be on night duty, he relieved the duty doctor and took over. His mind was in turmoil and only work could distract him. 'One day you will meet the one made for you', his father's words echoed in his mind. The old Veer would have gullibly trusted it but not him. Love. He had been to its peak, tumbled and then took the nasty fall. His heart was broken so mercilessly that even thought of being in love pained him. His family and his career had kept him intact else he would have been a lost cause long back. He felt void but preferred it rather than to risk another heart ache. He felt bad to lie to his old man. He promised his father to give himself another chance but he had vowed to forever guard himself from falling in love again.

Miles away...in a small town...another father was in dismay due his helplessness. He was unable to give wings to his child who wanted to fly freely. "Pappa", a feeble female voice broke his train of thoughts. "Pappa, I am ready to get married", she told resolutely. It was evident that she had been crying. "Krishna Beta, I am sorry I forced you. But if you can't then ...", he didn't want spoil his child's future. But she didn't give chance to complete, "Just inform them that we accept their proposal". She ran away and locked herself in her room before breaking down into tears. 

Dew of Fortuity - Story of Veer, Mehek and Shaurya' s son

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