Day One

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Word Count: 1928

~Day One Monday

"Its started!"

Juliette groaned, rolling over to shove her pillow over her ear. No way she she getting up at this hour.

"Shut up Jazz," she mumbled incoherently, turning over to see Jazz was freshly showered, and wearing black leather pants, and a very tight black shirt.

"Up and at 'em," Jazz called, running a brush through her thick hair. Juliette contemplated jumping up and grabbing that pretty little neck of hers.

Sitting up, Jazz screwed her face up as Juliette clicked her weary bones. She was not ready for this, but Jazz seemed completely happy to be 'learning' today.

She was definitely going to be hard to knock out.

"So first, we have defense and attack classes with Alpha Cain," Jazz read from their timetable. Sadly they would be in all the same classes.

"Alpha who?" Juliette mumbled, running her hands over her eyes as she yawned. She stood up, grabbing her bag to find some clothes.

"Alpha Cain, I wonder what he's like," Jazz squeaked, turning to give Juliette a big smile. Juliette ignored her obvious hint, pulling out jeans and some random shirt.

It didn't take Juliette too long to throw on her clothes, grab the name badge she was supposed to wear, and head out with Jazz.

Apparently this class would start with 10 boys and 10 girls, till the numbers dwindled down to the amount that would make it into the pack. That class she would be with for all five periods, which would be covered in the five days of the week.

The Alphas would come together everyday to talk about their students skills and assets. Juliette planned to bring her A game.

As Juliette and Jazz walked into the dining hall, Juliette realized how hard this was going to be.

Their were a lot of competition, and it seemed as though a lot of the Wolves had made friends.

"You should come meet my friends," Jazz said with excitement, grabbing Juliette's arm.

"You've made friends already?" She asked, following her, even though she wasn't to sure about it.

"Yep, this morning when I went for the showers," Jazz informed as she weaved through the thick crowd of people, carrying trays of food. Juliette kept her eyes on Jazz's red head.

"Sorry," Juliette muttered to people as Jazz pulled her along, most giving her forty looks as they walked along. Jazz seemed oblivious anyway; she was a woman on a mission.

"Why didn't you wake me to go shower this morning?" Juliette asked. They had made it to their table, finally.

"You just looked so cute when you sleep, and I felt like a meanie to wake you," Jazz answered, pulling Juliette down to sit beside her.

Juliette looked up, to see herself staring at two girls. One was smiling broadly, a mouth full of chunky blue braces, her brown eyebrow cocked.

The other girl looked half asleep, her darker eyes barely glancing at Juliette.

"Juliette, this is Sara and Delani," Jazz introduced, pointing to each girl in turn. The girl with the braces, Sara, stuck her hand, which Juliette shook nervously.

She had to admit, it would be nice to have friends, but a voice in the back of her head told her she wasn't here to make friends.

Delani just ignored her, pulling her black hair over her face, like she was closing a curtain. Well then.

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