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Chapter Seven

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Friday came hurtling by and with it, a new outfit. Blue skinny jeans on the bottom and a white blouse on the top. On my feet were my usual converse and (of course) my Friday socks. A messy bun sat above my head, rebelling against its restraints by allowing a few stay locks to come tumbling down. Not that it mattered. With last night's setback still weighing heavy on my mind, I gave very little thought to my appearance. I'd been doing some math homework when my mind refused to work out a simple equation. I hadn't got angry–much to Dad's relief–but it did upset me.

"I was thinking we could pack a picnic and head to the beach for a few hours this weekend."

Toby was still down about his dad/ Warren, leaving it up to Nikita to kickstart some happiness into our Friday morning slump.

"Sounds nice," I responded, trying my hardest to return her excitement.

It wasn't as easy for Toby.

"Yeah, great idea, Kee."

Nikita and I shared a glance, concerned.

"See you at lunch, babe," he stated, looking towards Nikita. "Maddie, tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Love you!"

He smiled and winked but I wasn't fooled. Neither of us were.

"He's bad," whispered Nikita, watching him walk away and proceeding to accompany me on my way to English.

She insisted since her class was on the way.

"I know. All we can do is be there for him when he needs us."

She nodded and nudged my arm, playfully pointing towards something ahead of us. "Don't let what's happening between Toby and Warren put you off."

Her statement was in reference to the boy responsible for my dreams. He stood before us, talking to Jake. He hadn't noticed me yet, which gave me the perfect opportunity to check him out. Nikita too, if her ever appreciative gaze was anything to go by.

"He's certainly cute. It's a thumbs up from me," she shared, adding in a girlish squeal for good measure.

The noise caught the attention of both boys, their sudden need to look our way being the main reason behind me gently elbowing Nikita in the ribs.

"Way to play it cool, Kee."

"Sorry." She laughed, waving me off. "Now I get why English is your favourite lesson!"

I ignored her remark, though did take to silently cursing her name under my breath. I knew her comment was for the sake of Ethan to hear and judging by the smirk on his face, he did exactly that.

"Hey, hearts!"

Oh, God.

"Hi," I replied, fixating on him for a second before remembering Jake's presence. "Hey, Jake."

"Hey." He politely smiled, before returning his attention to Ethan. "As I say, we're always looking for people to join the team. Come to practice next week and meet our coach."

"Will do. Thanks for letting me know."

"No problem, bro."

Before Ethan could respond, Jake and Nikita were gone, leaving us alone.

"Joining the soccer team?" I asked.

He certainly had the physique for it.

"Maybe," he replied, gesturing for me to go ahead. "Ladies first."

I did as instructed and felt him close behind, grateful for today's choice in skinny jeans.

"I like your outfit today," he insisted, rounding our table and seating himself down.

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by Rebecca-Jade
Maddie can't remember the last 2 years, but she knows Ethan is the ha...
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