21. Parting

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Sneha's POV

I sighed and continued staring at the the surprise which I have prepared for Vivek. Why is he late? He should have been here by now. I tried calling him but all in vain. Maybe he is stuck in his meeting or he might be driving.

Yeah! but still he should have picked up my phone.

I was the only one in the home. Mom, Shreya Di and pari had gone to Temple.

As I was still in my thoughts, my phone beeped catching my attention. I rushed towards the table on which my phone was lying, I picked it up, hoping it to be Vivek.

But the words on the other side broke my heart in too pieces. It was Deepak bhaiya my Brother in Law. As he spoke I tried to hold back my tears. He told me that my Vivek had a major accident.

I kept on asking him what had happened, and all he would say that Vivek is in pretty bad shape and they took him to hospital.

I was in shock as I hung up the phone. All I could do was to cry.

I was shaking, I didn't know what to do. My heart was racing so fast. No Vivek can't leave me, no he promised me.

Deepak bhaiya told me the hospital they took him too. I quickly rushed out and took a cab to the Hospital.

After reaching the hospital, I quickly made my way to the Operation Theatre. There I saw my complete family sobbing and waiting for the doctor to say something. I was shocked to know that it was only me who was unaware of my Husband's Accident. I couldn't move, it was as if I was paralyzed.

My mother rushed towards me and hugged me tightly, trying her best to comfort me. But my mother was not able to understand that it was not her that I need.

Rather right now it was only Vivek who could make me feel safe.

It was past one hour and we were still waiting for the Doctor to come out and say something. The surgery was still ongoing. I was panicking from inside not knowing what to do.

How could this happen. Vivek was always careful while driving. We were so happy together and I was going to give him a Surprise but then how could this-------and again I started crying. The mere thought of him in pain, fighting for his life was breaking my heart. It was after some time that the Police also came and asked Deepak Bhaiya to come and talk with them in Private.

After some time Deepak bhaiya came and started staring at me with raging eyes. I was unable to understand his behaviour. Why was he looking at me like that. My mother in law came in between and asked what happened. The next few words of Deepak bhaiya were like a dagger to my heart.

"Who is this Vikram Sneha? The police said that the car which hit Vivek's car was registered under Some Vikram's Name. Who is he?" Deepak Bhaiya yelled furiously.

Everybody was watching me intently. How should I tell them that who is he. But the thing which was making me boil in anger was that it was Vikram who had hurt my Vivek.

It's because of me that Vivek is lying in the hospital. Oh God! No!

I fell on my kness crying hard. Why does it always happen with me. Out of nowhere my mother in law grabbed my arm harshly and inquired me  about Vikram?


"I asked who is Vikram?" My mother in law shouted causing me to flinch. In her eyes I could see flashes of anger, sorrow, and frustration.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I told them everything that happened from scratch. I told them how we met Vikram in the plane and how he misbehaved with me, how Vivek saved me everything. As I ended my story, I could see my parent's eyes were wet with tears but my Mother in law suddenly slapped me hard, making me fall on the floor.

"Oh! so it's because of you that my Son is in this condition. Wow! I thought that my son will live a peaceful life with you, but what did you do, You made his life hell. It's because of you that he is in this critical condition. My poor son is fighting for his life because of that Psycho Lover of yours. Who said you to be so over friendly with that Vikram? Do you like him?" My mother in law yelled at me.

"M-o-m." I barely managed to utter a word from my mouth. Her accusations were breaking me piece by piece.

"Leave My Son." She said as if it was so easy for me to leave my husband--my love.

Do I really don't deserve happiness. Will this be our End?


Hey Everyone ♡♡

Please ignore the mistakes. I have written this in a hurry. I'll try to fix the mistakes in my free time.

So what do you think will Sneha say? Will she leave Vivek?

Is her Mother in law over-reacting?

Any thoughts about Vikram?

Any thoughts about Vikram?

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