Chapter 10 No Pockets

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It wasn't hard to find her, sinse her scent is really strong. In a good way, though. It makes my heart skip a beat whenever she's near. Which is always, at this moment. I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack by now.


I hear a knock at the door. I'm in a random room I found. Not that I mind, though. I have my beaver tail and phone to help pass time.

Jack walks in.


He shrugs. "Honestly just wondering what you were doing."

I nod. And I look back at the phone. I hit resume on pac man. I downloaded it two minutes ago.

"What you playin'?"

"A game."

He pauses. "What kind of game?"

"A fun game."

I look up when I die, and he juts out his bottom lip.


"Let's try this again. What's the name of the game you're playing?"

"Rhymes, nice."

"I try."

"I'm playing pac man."

"No idea what the hell that is. Care to share?"

"No thanks. Now, you and your coffee breath can leave."

He breathes out into his hand and smells it. "At least it doesn't smell bad. Like yours."

"My breath smells like mint!"

"I don't like mint."

"Can I take a picture when you brush your teeth, then?"

"I don't use mint toothpaste. I use grape."

I almost gag, but somehow don't make an expression.

"Yeah, I know. I'm supposedly a real tough guy. But I use grape toothpaste. I know. Shocker. If I'm a bad guy, I should at least use some good quality toothpaste. Like mint. But, no. I use grape." He drinks his coffee.

I nod, not understanding why he must use grape, of all flavours. 

"Anyway, follow me, meine Liebe." (My love.)

I sit up, disappointed that he has ruined my time alone in a stranger's house. Some guy.

He holds out his hand, but I again refuse to take it.

"Fine, suit yourself. I know you like the feeling when I touch you, though."

"I know you like when I touch you, so don't even try."

"Fair point."

"Glad we're on the same page."

"Whoa-ho-ho!" He holds out an arm suddenly, blocking my path. It shoots sparks through my chest.


He points to my shoes.

"Tie those up."

"It's really not a big deal. I won't-"

"Trip? Yeah, I don't want you falling for anyone else. C'mon. Unless I must."

I slap my forehead. "That was the lamest."

He shrugs. 

"Did you just jump at the first opportunity to say that?"

"Trust me, I've been waiting forever," he says, eyes wide, eyebrows raised. 

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