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"ugh do you know where she keeps the aspirin?" Frank said groaning a little.

"No idea" Gerard replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Will you guys shut up I have a headache." I complain groggily. Scratching my head ruffling my messy hair even more.

"Oh hello sleepy head!" Gerard exclaimed a little too loudly for my taste.

"How are you so alive?!" I push myself up and sit on my knees, rubbing my eyes.

"This is not my first rodeo! Come on, where's your aspirin?" He says and I sit down and shuffle my way over to Frank, plopping down next to him.

"First bathroom to the left."

I lean my head on Frank feeling myself falling asleep again. He shifts and puts his arm around my shoulder and his other hand on my leg on the other side.

"I'm tired." He says and I feel the vibrations of his deep voice. I giggle a little.

"So am I. Say something else I can feel the vibrations of your voice." I say snuggling into him more.

"I am from new Jersey"

I laugh a lot. "Yes you are. Ah shit my head" I stop laughing but continue to smile to myself. When I was listening to them talk. I realised that Frank could be a possible partner. He has shown an interest in me and I plan to return the feeling. It was eye opening. I do like him👉👈. "Hey Frank?" I mumble after a long silence.

"Yes, honey?" He says quietly back.

"I um- oh haha never mind" I stumble over my words not quite knowing what to say.

"You can tell me anything." He peers down at me.

I chuckle. "I know." I pause. "But this is uh- this is more difficult. I mean I've only known you for a day." I start to sit up. Only to be pulled back down into his chest.

"You know what they say." He mentions in a hushed tone. Almost like you would sing a lullaby. "People who drink together..."

I giggle at his strange choice of phrase but join him, feeling at home in his arms. "Stay together." We say in unison.

"you know people don't say that right" I sass.

"Shut up, what did you want to tell me?" He asks again, whispering a little.

"That.. uh haha. Um that I would like to maybe have you over for dinner tonight- yeah, I just thought that maybe we could eat some shitty food and watch a shitty movie. But if you don't want too that's totally fine it's just I uh I just-" he cut me off.

"I'd love to come over tonight. Dinner sounds nice, we could go for a nice walk. Then how's about I have you over tomorrow, hey?" I look up at him and he smiles to himself, looking at the ceiling.

"Thank you" I snuggle further into him.

"Euh you guys, get a bloody room jeez." I open my eyes and see Gerard at the door with aspirin. I leave Frank's embrace and walk... Well run, over to Gerard.

"I love you, you are a life saver." I say hugging him, taking the little pot of joy from his hands.

"Aw I love how you love me for me and not for the fact that I brought you drugs." He says sarcastically shoving my arm. I wasn't listening, I was just trying to open the pot and take my saviour.

"At least she loves you Gerard." Frank laughs and stands up walking towards us to get an aspirin as well.

I heard that though lol, "ah no! You guys I love you both. You don't have to fight for me." I may be dying of a headache, but I can still joke. I flip my hair over my shoulder, giggling a bit.

Gerard Way x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat