Chapter 13: A Good Friend

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I can't sleep.

It's two in the morning, and I have school tomorrow, and I'm still wide fucking awake.

I can't stop thinking about today, about how Aaron looked at me, how he touched me, and how that made me feel.

Leave it to me to do this at two in the morning.

I sigh and roll over to face my balcony doors

They're closed and the curtains are drawn, but I imagine myself being able to see into his room, being able to see his white walls and his bed and his desk.

I want to see him.

My heart flutters at the thought. I want to see his smile, I want to look into his eyes, I want to hear him laugh, I want to listen to his voice as he pokes fun at me.

He makes me happy. Like, really happy. Just the thought of him makes me want to squeal.

I don't know when I turned into such a feelings person, when I actually evaluated how I felt about someone.

I groan as I shove my covers off of me, and get out of bed.

My oversized t-shirt hangs past the shorts I'm wearing, making it seem like I'm not wearing any pants.

I shiver at the feeling of cold air hitting my legs and exposed skin.

I pad over to my balcony and pull aside the curtains, opening the doors once the curtains are out of the way.

I step outside and close the doors softly behind me.

I turn back around to face Aaron's doors, only to see that his curtains are drawn.

A flash of disappointment runs through me before I push it away and turn to face the ladder I asked Dad to install so I could climb on to the roof without falling and dying or breaking something.

Even with the ladder I still feel like I'm going to die by falling off.

I climb up the wooden ladder and pull myself onto the little platform.

The rest of my roof is covered in shingles and form little peaks at the top, but this part is the only part that's flat.

I sit down and pull my knees to my chest, craning my neck back to stare at the stars.

My eyes flicker back and forth, gazing at all of the stars.

I feel my muscles relax as I stare up at the dark sky.

It's calming.


The harsh whisper that breaks through the silence is not.

Not at all.

I twist the top half of my body around, my heart racing.

I scowl at Aaron, ignoring the way my spirits lift at the sight of him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? How did you even get up here?"

He clambers further up the ladder and I scoot towards the rest of the roof, away from the edge, to make room for him.

He leaves his legs dangling over the edge of the roof and leans back on his hands, turning his head to shoot me a smile.

"You're going to fall," I say, after a few seconds of silence.

"Am not. You should try it. This is fun."

"I am not going to hang my feet off of a ledge, where I could accidentally fall off and die."

Resisting the Player -- [Completed - Unedited]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα