Disney world

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Once the plan landed and we were settled on our hotel everyone headed off. I stayed with Chad for a few hours just walking around avoided any rides that went upside down. Then at another point I was with Heather and Aaliyah but they met two guys and went back to the hotel. Hopefully they wear protection. Then finally I saw Brandon.

"Brandon pleaseeeeee come on summit plummet with me" I begged

"Ugh Fine let's go child" he said

I smiled and guided him to the best ride here. When we got off Brandon looked sick.

"You okay norbit" I asked

"Very funny" he said taking a deep breathe

We walked over to a brick wall when a girl with long brown hair walked by and said

"Hey Brandon" while checking him out then walking away

"Hey" he said then checked her out

What the hell

"Earth to Brandon" I said snapping my fingers

"What" he said

"Who even is that" I asked

"Lindsey you don't know her" he asked

"No" I said

"Well I plan on getting to know her" he said

"What are you talking about" I asked feeling weird

"She's so fine I mean come on" he said

"Right um I'm gonna go find Chad" I said then walked away

"You okay" he asked while walking with me

"Yeah it's just been awhile" I said then jogged away

Why the hell would Brandon tell me that. I mean come on Lindsey isn't all that. I mean I could see her split ends from a mile away. Wait why am I mad god I just needed to find my boyfriend.After 45 minutes of walking around without seeing chad I decided to sit down since my feet were killing me.

"Hey where have you been" Brandon said then sat next me me

"Looking for chad ouch" I yelled

"What's wrong" he asked with a worried look

"My feet are killing me" I said

"Why would you wear heels to Disney world" he asked

"I always wear heels" I said

"I'm just gonna go to the hotel my feet hurt really bad" I said then stood up

"I'll walk with you" he said

We walked to the hotel but right before we walked into the lobby Chad and Aaliyah stepped out the elevator. She was trying to fix her hair and he was still fixing his shirt.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me" Brandon and I both said at the same time

Both chad and Aaliyah met my eyes but I didn't care.

"Are you serous are you really serous right now" I screamed

"Aliceion let me explains please" chad begged

"Aliceion it was a mistake I - "

"A mistake" I said with a laugh

"Well isn't that cute" I said with a laugh

And before I could stop myself I punched Aaliyah right in the face then jumped onto her.

"You stupid whore" I screamed while punching her

" Aliceion stop" Chad yelled

"Chad" Brandon said

"What the hell do you want" Chad asked

Brandon laughed then punched him in the face

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