Author's Note

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So that's the end of the show, folks. I hope you enjoyed it even though it was terrible 👍

I want to stick to the cannon ending of Lisa and Dean reconnecting and in the sequel (hells yeah I'm planning a sequel!!!) this will be a possible source of angst for the reader's relationship with Dean. This should also make the reader and Sam closer, since she will be in the cage with him, defending him from a lot of the torture Michael and Lucifer inflict in the show - although I don't intend to cut out all of Sam's torture since it plays such a large roll in later seasons that I may or may not continue this fic up to, we'll see I guess.

Hey, maybe the reader will get a little too close to Sam, who knows.

Anyway, I'll post an update here when the sequel is written but that will take a while most likely since I got shtuff to do and I work full time but it's been lovely knowing you guys, have wonderful lives and I'm here if anyone wants some terrible life advice or unqualified therapy sessions.

Peace out, my babies!!!!

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