Chapter 50

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They let me go after arguing with them for hours. I still had no clue about jake, and had to get an Uber to the hospital. When I got there, paparazzis surrounded the entire hospital and I was in pure panic mode the entire day, so when I saw that it made it even worse. My knees were shaking from how nervous I had been.

I walked into the the hospital and went straight to the front desk. I was then escorted to a private section of the hospital and his mom was there with his sister and brother. Their eyes softened when they saw me and I ran to them and hugged them.

"Is he okay? Where is he?" I asked as I cried. I tried not to, but I couldn't help it. I was so scared.

"He's doing okay right now. He's not okay by any means, but he's in surgery and he's doing better than he was when he first got here." His brother said and I nodded and wiped under my eyes.

"I'm so scared." I cried and his mom hugged me again. I held her tightly and practically sobbed into her chest. I needed to see him. We were fine just minutes before it happened. We were happy and joking around-and then he was almost dead. I didn't understand how it happened so fast. I would have rather it happened to me. Jake didn't deserve it and neither did his family. I needed him more than anything and I was terrified.

* * *

I woke up in the waiting room of the hospital to his sister shaking my shoulder. She was the only one there and I looked up at her.

"Where is your brother and mom?" I asked.

"They left. Jake is out of surgery... we tried waking you up but you didn't move-you can visit him. He's not up yet, but it might be good to see him. He's going to need to some time to heal." She said and my eyes softened.

"He's okay?" I asked and she nodded and smiled. I quickly got up and she led me to his room. I walked in and he was attached to a bunch of machines monitoring his heart and everything. He had on a shoulder sling and his leg was bandaged on top of having a brace on it. He had a mask over his face that made everything look scarier, but it was just to help him breathe better. My eyes softened and I went to him. I started crying immediately and I grabbed his hand.

"Jake." I said softly and I held his hand tightly. I sat down next to his bed and I put my head down next to him. I couldn't stop crying. I had so much going on in my head that I couldn't think straight. Everything that happened kept replaying in my head and everytime it did, the fear made me feel like I was reliving it. The sound of his heart rate on his monitors made me feel better. Knowing he was alive and that it was at a normal rate made me so happy.

* * *

I waited hours for Jake to wake up. Hours, and he finally did. At first he looked confused when he woke up, then he looked down at his leg and arm and he looked up at me and he started to panic, but I stood up and cupped his cheek.

"You're okay-you're okay." I said.

"Did I have fucking surgery? What happened? Are you okay? I thought I died." He said and I shook my head.

"You passed out and they rushed you out and put you directly into surgery. You shattered your femur and got surgery on it, and you needed surgery to get the bullet out of your shoulder. You're going to be in pain for a while. You won't be able to walk temporarily and have to get used to that too. I'll help you though. I promise that you're okay. I'm so happy you're okay." I said and he looked so upset. I was too though. I couldn't imagine what I looked like.

"Come here." He said and he put his hand out to me. He motioned me to get in his bed with him and I hesitated. I didn't want him getting hurt, but where he had gotten hurt was on opposite sides and I was careful to lay next to him. He wrapped his one arm around me and he kissed my cheek.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay." I nodded.

"Are you hurt at all? Did he hurt you? Did anything happen after I passed out? I'm sorry I didn't do anything-"

"Jake, you saved our lives. You killed him. You did everything perfectly. You just got hurt and it was terrifying. Seeing you like that-It made me sick to my stomach. You were in so much pain and you never show when you're in pain. It was a lot." I said softly and he nuzzled into my neck. He didn't say anything, he just held me and he had his eyes closed against my neck. I kissed his cheek and he held me a little tighter. As best as he could with one arm.

"I told you we'd be okay." He said.

"You're not okay." I said.

"I'm alive and have you in my arms. I think that's more than okay." He said.

"It is-but you-"

"I'm fine. I'm not going to be able to do anything for a little while, but I'll be okay. I guess I should tell our new owner to go in now. I don't want to do it anymore-I just can't." He said and I nodded.

"It's okay." I said and he rested his head on my chest.

"Don't leave me." He said.

"I'm not leaving you." I said.

"We couldn't stay just friends for more than a day" he chuckled weakly.

"We were never just friends."

* * *

Jake was let go out of the hospital a few days later. I stayed with him the entire time and the only time I left was to go home to shower and then I went right back.

When he got home though, he had to use crutches and it made me so sad seeing him hurt. I really did hate when he was in pain and it sucked in general.

"Babe?" He asked as he was laying on the couch while I was in the kitchen. I was making him a sandwich and he was just watching TV. I thought he was going to ask me to do something for him, but he didn't.

"Can you believe we're famous?" He asked and I smiled to myself. He said it so seriously and I wasn't expecting it at all.

"Blaire?" He asked.

"I heard you-you just make me laugh." I said and I put the top piece of bread on his sandwich before bringing it to him. He smiled weakly at me and sat up to eat it.

"I'm serious. I think about it a lot. I don't feel famous. I know we have the money and everything and we know it's not like people stop and take pictures with us constantly. We're not pop stars or actors or anything-but we're known. I've done something right. Even if it's annoying sometimes and we have to hide from shit." He said with a mouthful and I chuckled weakly.

"I know. I'm not the one that's famous though, you are." I said and he shook his head.

"You're just as famous as I am. You're constantly in the headlines with me. Partially why I didn't want us to date in the beginning because I didn't want you to change, but you never did. You've always been you." He said and I put my hand on his knee.

"I would never change. I'll be me forever." I said and he gave me a bit of his sandwich.

"I promise when I get better I'll make you food for weeks to make up for this. I'm sorry." He said.

"I'm not upset about it at all, don't worry." I said and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I know-this just fucking sucks."

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