Chapter 4

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Aurora's pov

The next day I got up having a weird feeling in my mind. I had just found my mate who actually didn't want a mate. Wow! Excellent! I would have just stayed in my pack than deal this.

I got ready and got out of my room. I wanted to meet the beta's mate. I wanted to interact with her and know about my schedule in the pack. When I knocked on the door where the beta and his mate lived and soon enough Andrea opened her door. She was shocked to see me but nevertheless gave me a smile and greeted me. 'Luna, good morning!'

'Good morning to you too. And pls just call me aurora. I thought that among everyone in the pack you will be my best friend.' I said to her and she laughed. She seemed to be nice enough and I knew I desperately wanted company over here.

'So, when do we go into our office?' I asked her. 'What office?' she asked with a confused expression. 'Don't you do the paperwork for the pack?' 'No.' she just said with a sad expression. 'Then what do you do around all day.'
I asked her. 'You know just some work.' she replied. By then I realized that my pack was the progressive one which gave equal rights to women and the equal position as men. There were some changes that had to take place over here. But how the hell will i talk to Caleb about it.

'Can you show me the entire pack?' I aske her. 'Of course!' she replied with a smile.

The whole day while roaming around the pack with her I couldn't help but notice that even if people were bowing their heads in front of me they sort of were distancing themselves from me. I was puzzled. This never happened in my pack. Aunt Rose was loved by all. But anyways I got along well with Andrea. She was an amazing company. I knew I had definitely made a new friend.

By the evening when we were entering the pack house we had cracked a very silly joke and we both were laughing but I suddenly stopped because I saw caleb sitting in the living room. I immedietly started going towards the staircase when suddenly a little ball came in my direction landing at my feet and running behind it was a little boy. Initially he had a smile on his face but as soon as he saw it faded and he was scared, 'S-sorry luna. T.. The ball.' He started stammering. 'Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid. I love the colour of the ball.' I told him as he held his blue coloured ball.

'Yes, I love it too, luna!' He said cheering up again. Then a lady came running on the pack Hall and looked worried and when she spotted her that boy near me her eyes went wide and she said, 'Luna, I apologize. My son is a little kid. He doesn't understand.' she said bowing her head down. 'Absolutely no problem. Please don't apologize
When I was his age I would play with a ball along with my luna.' I said to her making her gasp.

I lowered down on my knees and asked the boy, 'What is your name?' 'My name is jasper. I am five years old.' He said holding up all his fingers showing me the number proudly to which I chuckled. 'Nice meeting you, jasper.' I said shaking his tiny hand. The woman then said to her son, 'Jasper, go inside, now!' to which he nodded and waving me goodbye he left. I waved him back with a smile. 'Luna, it was my fault. I am sorry. I shouldn't have......' she started saying. 'Hey, don't, I love kids. Back in my old pack I would spend all free time with them. By the way are one of the cooks?' I asked her and she nodded. 'I also clean around the house.' she added. 'Do you know many women in the pack?' I asked her and she said, 'Pretty much.' 'Then send out a word for every woman in the pack that tomorrow evening I will hold a feast for all of them in the pack and yes tell them to bring their kids along with them. I would love to interact with them.' I told her and she looked shocked. 'And yes, also, tomorrow I will help you all prepare the feast myself.' she did nothing but nodded. 'Thank you luna. I will send the word out.' she said and started leaving. 'Wait!' I suddenly said to her. 'I want the omegas over there as well.' I added to which she just widened her eyes and nodded. 'And if there is some sort of sweet or cake it anything then please give it to jasper and any other kids who are in there. Tell them that it is from luna.' I said to which she had a smile on her face and simply said thank you and left. When I turned around to look at the living room I saw literally everyone sitting on the couch looking dumbstruck. Especially caleb. With a single glance at him I left.

I was not his mate. But I was this pack's luna and I wanted all of them to know that I was here to be accessible and make things better for them. But one thing I didn't understand about them. Literally all the lunas I had met in the past were like me or at least were loved by the pack then why was pack so scared of me? Had they never known a luna?

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