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I walked up the stairs, so happy to be able to be with the boys.

I opened Luke's door, seeing him sleeping with his pants and shoes on, no shirt, barely on the bed, and his phone in hand.

I walked to him, slowly taking his shoes off, plugging his phone up for him before deciding that I had helped him enough.

I crawled into bed with him, smelling the alcohol and cigarette smoke on him, but not caring one bit.

I lightly held his arm, trying not to wake him, but yet trying to get maximum attention.

I ended up waking him up- seeing him slowly look to me, seeming surprised, but yet not saying anything.

He scooted himself more into the bed, bringing both arms around me, making me rest my head on his chest, listening to the heartbeat that I had been missing.

I felt him place a firm kiss on my forehead and within five minutes later he was snoring, but once again

I didn't care

I cuddled closer into his chest, holding him back

And letting sleep take over.


I woke up to my heartbeat in my head, making me immediately groan.

I looked on my bedside table, seeing Tylenol that I had from one of Vanessa's period cramp naps, making me immediately thank god.

I took them before grabbing my phone- knowing Vanessa was probably more than ready to come home, poor baby.

I immediately saw a few texts from Harry.

Had to take her to our flat, your electricity is out, hope you paid the bill xx she's fine, says she's comfortable, I'll bring her home as soon as anything changes.

She's in bed and showered, texting Luke I believe. Your girl is safe, text me when you wake up in the morning and I'll bring her home or you can come get, whatever is easier for you.

How do I handle anxiety

Ashton, her chest is hurting, she's crying, I wasn't to hug her, but scared to trigger her, wake the fuck up.

Okay, due to her request, she should be in bed with one of you. I made sure she could breathe and was okay before I left, she used an inhaler in the bathroom, told me it helped her breathe. Hope all is well, hope we didn't trigger her anxiety   :(  keep me updated once you wake.

I was relieved that she was home, but I knew I needed to check on her.

Thank you so much bro. You're the best. I just took Tylenol, about to go check on her to make sure she's 100% okay. Thanks for taking care of her, we really last night, got some real happiness out of Luke. I'll text you again once I've talked to her. Thank you again!

Once I felt like I wasn't going to throw up, I got up and quickly brushed my teeth and showered, trying to get the stench of alcohol and smoke off of my skin.

Once I was dressed in sweatpants, I went straight to Luke's room, seeing that the door was open already.

And I immediately saw two lumps, Luke holding her body into his chest, both looking exhausted.

I got my fingers to Vanessa's neck, getting her pulse before giving a satisfied nod.

I went straight back to my dark and cold room, praying that would assist in getting rid of the rest of my headache and the tiredness stuck in my body.


"Never again" I heard Luke's voice saying, quiet laughter immediately after it.

That made me realize that I was no longer in Luke's arms, making me open my eyes.

I immediately saw Luke sitting at the toilet in his bathroom- dry heaving as the three guy stood over him with Tylenol, water and orange juice.

"I'm never drinking again" Luke mumbled, taking the Tylenol quick as I sat up.

Just as he finished the water, his eyes met mine.

"Hi beautiful" he spoke, making everyone look to me with a smile.

"How's your chest pretty girl?" Calum asked me.

"A lot better" I nodded slowly.

"What triggered it this time?" Ashton asked me, sitting beside me on the bed.

"I genuinely don't know- I guess just the unfamiliar surrounds and the other guys. It woke me up throughout the night, every hour- it was miserable" I told them.

"Looks like you had about as good of a night as Luke is having this morning"

"Vanessa" Luke spoke slowly, making me look to him.

"Do me and you a favor, and just learn from my mistakes. Do not drink alcohol."

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