Part 21

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"Your highness."

Our lips were only centimetres away from each other's before Thomas had to pull away, dragging me back into reality with him.

We were so close.

Prince Thomas seemed frustrated, huffing loudly into the chilly air, "What?"

The guard, standing at the doors to the stables, awkwardly cleared his throat, "It's your sister, your highness, she requested you immediately."

Prince Thomas suddenly looked extremely concerned and glanced at me apologetically.

From his reaction, whatever was going on must have been serious.

"I'm sorry to do this to you Bells. I wouldn't leave you here unless I knew it was important." The prince says apologetically, pecking my forehead with a small kiss, leaving tingles on my skin.

I stood stiff as the prince rushed out of the stables with hast to find his sister.

I picked up the princes riding helmet he had dropped in the process of rushing out and put both of ours back on the racks.

I hoped the princess was ok.


The next morning went by reasonably fast and we finished prep and food organising for the extended royal family visit the following day.

After dinner Prince Thomas asked me to stay back so I waited patiently by my table until everyone left then I moved over to him.

"Look, Bells, I'm sorry for ditching you yesterday." Prince Thomas said sheepishly, and to be honest it was kind of cute.

I gave him a warm smile, "That's fine, is your sister ok? She hasn't been at meals."

I say this having noticed she wasn't at dinner just now or any of the other meals today. Her absence didn't seem to alert any of the other selected, but I certainly noticed.

The prince frowned, "She's doing better, she's just sick. They were worried she wasn't getting stable and that's why I was called up yesterday. But I think she just needs more time to recover, that's all."

I nod and the prince extends his arm toward me.
I link my arm through his grey suit and attach myself to his side.

"Now, I was thinking I could show you something, since you already caught on briefly, so I can explain further." Prince Thomas said, leading us out of the dinning room and to the elevator.

He pressed for the fourth floor, somewhere I wasn't allowed unless with permission.

I supposed he would allow me to come with him. Quietly admiring Thomas' current attire, I noticed the checked pattern on his shirt had a slight smudge of food across the collar from dinner. It made me smile for some reason.

I can smell his woodsy cologne, with its warm tones. It's comforting and I'm beginning to get used to the smell he wears.

"What are you showing me exactly?" I ask as the elevator opens to a corridor I haven't been down thus far.
The guards by the entrance stand intimidatingly and glance over at me questioningly before seeing who I'm with.

Prince Thomas basically commands authority as he strides past the guards, nodding in greeting.
We come to one of the many doors in the corridor and Thomas pushes it open, leading me in before shutting it quickly.

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