Meetings and Sleepovers

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Mason's POV

"Why you getting all worked up, man?" Duncan asks me.

I completely ignore him and continue to focus ahead. I'm just staring at the four of them, wishing I could hear them, hear what he was saying.

I can see the game he's trying to play but for what reason? The message was sent and I received it loud and clear. There's no need for him to do this.

Maya's and her friends are smiling, oblivious to the enemy they've invited. I guess they can't see through Trevor's charm. People are hardly ever able to do that.

"Seriously, man." Duncan warns.

I look at him and roll my eyes. Duncan's my cousin. The one that helped me out when I started working for The Man. He's five years older than me and I didn't even know about his existence until my dad died.

He and his father showed up from nowhere. Mom knew them and welcomed them with open arms. Apparently a quarrel between two brothers had kept them apart for years.

My train of thoughts crashes when The Princess walks in. She's  followed by her two bodyguards. Max follows behind her, acknowledging Maya with a nod as he passes their booth.

"M," Mary gives me a flirtatious smile and sits down next to me. "Dunky."

Max joins Duncan opposite us and Mary's bodyguards stand in front us. They're almost shielding us from the rest of the room.

Trevor sits down next, giving me a smug smile. He knows he's getting under my skin. Showing that he's practically in control now.

Mary snaps her fingers and a waitress rushes towards our booth. She slightly pushes the waiter that was coming to us out of the way.

"Lady, gentlemen." She nods at us and smiles.


"Camila?" Duncan voices my thoughts. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, since I couldn't explain to my aunt where I was getting my money from, this..." she rolls her eyes, "is my front."

"Well you look hideous, Cami." Mary says with a smile and takes off her sunglasses.

The two of them chuckle before Mary turns her attention back to everyone.

"Will you be having your usual?" Camila asks, her pen and notepad in hands, ready to jot down our order.

"Yes, please. One more second without food in my belly and I will die." Duncan complains.

"Uh, no," Mary chuckles and looks up at Camila, "get us all a glass of water. We'll order food later."

"What the-" Duncan's sentence hangs in the air.

"Dunky, I need all of you to pay attention and think carefully. This meeting is a reminder of what's at stake if daddy's dealings don't go according to plan." She rests her eyes on me for a second.

"How are we supposed to think straight on empty stomachs, Princess?" Max questions, getting annoyed.

"Yeah, we didn't come all this way for water." Duncan adds.

"Boys," Mary's smile grows, "I just need you to remember that whether you eat, sleep or drink, is through my father's permission. Your future, depends on how you follow orders. If you take care of his business, he'll take care of you."

Duncan opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by Lucy calling Camila to the counter.

She sees us and gives us a wave. Mary waves back and the rest of us nod and smile at her. Camila walks away, promising we'll have our glasses of water in no time.

Lucy is in her late forties with long brown hair that she always has in a bun. Everyone likes her because she's kind to everyone and she acts like a mother to most of the teenagers that come here. Besides, she let's us break rules here.

After two minutes or so, Camila returns to our booth with five glasses of water. She places them in front of each of us and turns around to leave.

"Doesn't she need to be a part of this?" I ask.

"She does but since she's busy, one of you will fill her in later." Mary looks at Trevor and arches a knowing brow. He chuckles and look away at the blonde girl taking orders.

These two have had an on-off relationship for the past three years. I even lost interest in what goes on between them.

"Gentlemen, may we proceed with business?" Mary takes a sip of her water.

That came as a question but everyone here knows exactly what it is. An order. One that must be followed without questions or hesitation. Like every other one that is given.


Maya's POV

"Okay, I can't be the only one that saw the vibe Mr. Trevor Kemble  was giving off." Shelly says, popping a green grape into her mouth.

We're in our pajamas, well, they're all my pajamas. Since they came here in a rush, they didn't bring anything. We don't even have enough snacks and have substituted with a lot of fruit.

We're sitting in the living room on the black carpet, watching cartoons.

"What vibes?" I scrunch my nose in confusion.

"Dude was practically flirting with you, with his eyes or whatever." Shelly waves a dismissive hand and laughs.

"I wouldn't say he was flirting," Bianca laughs and grabs an oreo, "but yeah, something like that."

"You guys are crazy." A frown forms on my face. "The guy doesn't even know me."

"So?" Shelly laughs. "He doesn't need to. You're cute and that's all he needs to take interest in you. Besides, didn't you save his butt?"

Mason did have him pretty bad.

"He doesn't like me." I shake my head and turn to focus on the TV.

"We're right, you're wrong." Shelly states, taking another grape from the purple bowl on the mat.

"No, you're not." I shake my head and take a grape from her bowl. "I think I would know if someone liked me or thought I was cute."

Which I'm not. I'm a mess. I think the only thing I've got going for me is my brain and my mastery of the art of sarcasm.

"No, you wouldn't." Bianca replies with a laugh.

"You wouldn't know what flirting is if it hit you in the face." Shelly says before throwimg a cushion at me, hitting my face.

"What was that?" I whine and throw the cushion back at her, which she easily catches.

"See, you don't even know." She points at me and turns around to a laughing Bianca. "She's clueless."

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas ❤☺. Thank you for the votes and for reading and please continue to do so😄❤. I love you guys.

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