Chapter Fifty-Nine

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December 26th, 2019


Last Chapter of MMTD
    "I'm going to find a way to speed up your recovery." He put a hand on the door knob.

    "Wait!" Though the door just closed behind him with a click.

I flew out of the bed and my knees crashed against the floor. They made a nasty crack that echoed in the room. I couldn't stay still, I starting crawling desperately. I had over-used my legs and they were so sore. I grabbed the handle to the door and pulled myself up and opened the door.

I fell into the hallway, I saw the back of my mate walking away from me. "Zaivinth!" I cried out, and I saw him flinch. Maybe I was selfish, but I didn't want him to go.

I leaned up against the wall, breathing heavily, it seemed my fever had came back to bite me. Wolves rarely get sick, though my immune system was down for the count for a week. I grabbed at the indent in the wall to help me stand. I didn't like the feeling of being weak, so I placed a facade over myself, covering up the fact that every step felt like fire ants were biting me. Every breath was a battle, but I didn't want to bother everyone with my problems. Sure I want to get better, but...

"Sheila?" His voice was pained, I slowly looked up to him, to see him hustling down the hallway. "What are you doing?" His voice shook as he took me into his arms.

I wrapped my hands around him, "Zaivinth," I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Yes, I'm in pain at every moment of the day," I let out a breath, I was burning up from the inside out. "Yes, I'm sick and weak, nothing a queen should be like." I placed my forehead on his shoulder.

"But here am I, alive." I sobbed, seeing him leave like that gave me a horrible flash back to the battle field. "I'm alive, Zaivinth. I can love you and laugh with all of my new friends. Yes, I'm sick, though I know that eventually I'll recover. I'll get better." I shook violently as I gripped his shirt. "But I couldn't do any of these things if I was dead!" I cried into his chest, all my emotions breaking free.

He tightened his hold on me. "Yes, you're right." He clutched me tightly, "you're alive. You're alive." He mumbled as if in shock. "You're alive..."

He slept a lot closer to me last night. My fever had gone down and I was trying to make whatever magic I had left dance in my hands. He had finally fell asleep I smiled and turned around, looking at his sleeping face. It reminded me of our first time. Gosh that seemed like forever ago.

I've known Vince for almost a year. A year of hardships, happiness, and sadness, all bundled into one crazy life. Though I would take all of this craziness over my emotionless life before.

I've learned to accept myself for who I am. That I'm not what people label me as, I'm who I want me to be. That other people don't define who I am, and what I stand for. That people and kind, and caring, and have my best interest in mind.

That would have never had happened if I hadn't met my moody mate. I kissed his cheek softly, I just couldn't contain myself. I watched his eyes flutter open and I cursed myself for waking him up.

"Sheila?" Zaivinth mumbled out sleepily, pulling my hips closer to his.

"You fell asleep," I giggled and softly pinched his cheeks. "I had front row seats to the most handsome man on this earth." I said with a grin.

"You forget," he climbed over me. "That I have front row seats, every night to the most beautiful woman, this earth had ever seen." I blushed and covered my face with my hands. He kissed my hands, right where my lips would be.

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