(21) Ex-wife

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Chassie George

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Chassie George

Kathie lent me another dress for my date. Strangely, it was the least of my concern. Nathan and I hadn't spoken a word since last night. I woke up, hoping he'd call. But I just got an informative text that Ethan is staying the whole day with him. And probably with "Aunt Syd." And that he will drop him off in time for bed.

If only I have talked to him last night and never allowed him to sleep with our silent war unresolved, I would feel less conflicted.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Kathie combs my hair and meets my eyes in the mirror.

I answered with a faint smile. "That sounds nice."

"Do you want me to, you know, keep in tow? I'll stay lurking in the dark, and I could just take him by surprise if the date goes south." It was an attempt to make me laugh.

It worked. "God, no."

She giggles. "Okay. We're good to go."

Hunter was waiting for me at our table when I got to the restaurant. I told Andrei and France that Hunter is less likely to pull uncanny tricks on me, so they could work the kitchen perfectly, especially when there were more customers than my last date.

He pulled me a chair, a kind smile plastered on his face. He wore a pair of jeans and shirt that summed up into a tousled look. His curly hair is twisted in a casual chaos, sealing the deal.

"Thank you," I murmured as I slide myself in.

"You look amazing." He sank back to his seat across me.

I blink. I realized I had been too distracted to pay attention to what I was wearing or if I'm decent looking in it. I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear, suddenly self-conscious.

Hunter, however, tried to make me feel comfortable which is so nice of him. We ate dinner, no footsies underneath the table. I'm starting to think I was wrong to reject him in high school. The guy is obviously nice. It's still too early to conclude though.

Hunter asks about how I was doing since I left home, nods politely at my answers and laughs when I crack a joke. He is no doubt a good listener.

But I couldn't help but feel... bored. For almost half our conversation, I was eavesdropping at other people's conversation from nearby tables just to hear something else more interesting. I've been surreptitiously checking new messages on my phone the entire evening, hoping for one in particular because, for the life of me, I couldn't go on without an exchange of spoken apology between me and Nathan.

My laugh was turning strained. I didn't want to offend him with my vacant eyes. The corners of my lips were aching from smiling.

I was relieved when he decided to call it a night. Finally. France and Andrei checked on me and it was the only fleeting moment I allowed boredom to take over my face.

They crinkled their noses, getting the answer to their unspoken question. I felt their eyes even when we made it to the parking lot. They were just making sure this wouldn't be a repeat to my first attempt at dating.

Hunter opens the door for me. I stopped by the car door, hesitant.

"Please, let me drive you home. I feel bad for not picking you up."

I shake my head. "Don't worry about it. It was my choice."

He laughs. Then we're left with silence we couldn't fill with words. He reaches for my hand, gentle and reluctant.

My muscles froze with the contact. He wasn't forcing me to do anything. He interpreted my lack of response as granting him permission. I'm still wrestling with the staggering thought of whether I have braced myself for what was to come.

Hunter leans close to my face, shutting his eyes. My heart beats in my throat. Not in a way it will when I'm excited and thrilled. It was beating out of panic. His breath touching my mouth escalated my heartbeat further.

I had been hoping for a first base in a very long time. Then I realized I haven't kissed anyone since Nathan.

My right foot fumbled its way backward. My left foot awkwardly cooperated but neither one was coordinating with one another. I yelp when I was thrown off balance, not knowing which foot tripped over which.

Hunter was clearly oblivious for having his eyes closed. When they snapped open, it was because my hand just slipped out of his and I'm on the cold pavement, trying to prop my elbows to hold my weight.

I heard myself cry out in pain. A pain that accumulated on my right elbow, which was the first to receive the impact before I fell flat on my back.

Hunter cursed.


A couple of hours later, we were making our way out of the hospital. Long story short: I sprained my elbow. I was terrified hearing the details of my injury from the doctor and the fact that I had to wear a cast for a couple of weeks or so. Maybe, it was the terror that lead me to send more than a dozen weepy text messages to Nathan, and then when he called, I sobbed on the phone.

The last part I'm not proud of.

"Are you sure? I can drive you home." Hunter pushes the doors of the hospital wide open.

I gave him a smile. "Hunter, I'll be fine. I called someone to pick me up."

"Okay. I'll wait until she's here."

"I've caused you enough trouble already. I will feel better knowing you're on your way home." And the person picking up is not a 'she.' It was a 'he' who wouldn't be pleased if he sees Hunter.

He sighed. "Okay, Chassie."

"Good night."

"I'm really sorry about how this turned out," he says, his brown eyes vaguely wistful. He's not dense. I'm aware he does know there isn't going to be a second date.

I stood in the parking lot as his car calmly cruised back on the road. 


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