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Mary's picture in the Classification system did not reveal the hints of precious freckles on her cheeks and over the bridge of her nose. Seeing her up close in broad daylight was different from seeing her under the moonlight. Those soft lips that he had painstakingly sought and conquered were slight even with a soft tremble to her fuller, bottom lip.

Then there were those golden-brown eyes that paired so well with the mousy brown hair that fell to the middle of her bottom. Nothing about her popped out as attractive, yet Ryker found his focus was solely on her throughout the meeting.

Honestly, she didn't look ghastly, not quite the opposite. She had a shapely body---one with the right amount of curves, perfectly sized breasts, and hips. She hid them underneath a t-shirt and track pants today. Something different from what she wore at the Mating Ball.

When he looked at her, he could only describe her as a natural—plain jane for she was neither beautiful nor unpleasant. She wasn't the female that Ryker would have gone for.

Ryker was in the middle of watching her talk to her brother from a distance after their meeting. Then he caught an exchange between them that swiftly cast a look of outrage on her face.

Abruptly, Abraham appeared next to him. Diverting his attention to his brother, Ryker looked at Abraham's amused expression. His brother caught him staring again.

"She recognized you," Abraham mentioned, with a nod in her direction.

She recognized Ryker, but she also looked thoroughly surprised. But he felt it wasn't entirely because of his sudden appearance. It was something else. He didn't really understand.

The party picked up pretty quickly, and females pulled away Ryker like vultures. They all fluttered their eyelashes, baited him with enigmatic seductive sways of their body, and light conversation about their life and mating expectations. Honestly, he felt like he had somehow signed himself up for speed dating.

The sun began settling over the horizon and orange, red, purplish hue colored the sky. They now hung festive lights from tree branch to tree branch. Soft music played in the background. They brought drinks and appetizers out for everyone to enjoy.

When Ryker finally pulled away from his most recent pursuer, he searched for his brother and the rest of his pack members. He walked away from the back porch and down the steps toward the large group of members who were enjoying the party.

When he couldn't find them, he headed around to the front. Maybe they walked away from the party for a breather. He wasn't sure, but knew it could be the reason for their sudden disappearance. He heeled to the shadows of the night. Hiding from unwanted attention. His black suit blended in completely with the shadows.

His eyes were not really paying attention to his surroundings. He thought he was alone, but was surprised when he heard a female voice cursing underneath her breath. His gaze lifted from the ground to look toward the offender who had evaded his privacy and stopped him from attempting to escape the crowds and perfume.

He found Mary muttering curses while staring at the ground. She was walking his directions. Straining his ear, he prayed to catch a word of what she was saying.

"Damn you, Marcus, you left me with no car," she growled angrily. He caught a shiny glint just as she turned her head. She was speaking into a phone. There was a moment of silence before she spoke up again.

"You made me come here. I left my car at your house and now I have to run back home. I'm so mad at you I could very well strangle you!"

Her frustration amused Ryker. It was refreshing to see someone like her. She threaded her hands through her silky hair and lifted it away from her face, revealing pale skin and proud, glistening eyes. Her brother must have made a snarky remark back because her eyes flashed with fury.

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