Chapter 4

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The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Students rushed out of the classroom relieved to finally be free but Delilah was not looking forward to the walk home. She still had no idea how to get to her house from here and she doubted the weather had changed much since this morning. "You ready baby?" Knight asked slinging both Delilah's and his own backpack over his shoulders. Delilah nodded and took his extended hand as she followed him into the hall.

He took her to his locker and started unloading both his and her books into it. "What are you doing? I have a locker on the third floor." Delilah asked wondering why he was putting her stuff in his locker. "The third floor is way out of your way, I don't want you doing any unnecessary walking where you could get hurt so we can share my locker." He explained. "Oh uh ok," Delilah said unsure of what to make of the protectiveness Knight seems to feel for her.

Once they made it outside Delilah tried to take her hand back so she could start her trek home which she believed was left of the school, but when she tried to move away Knight only gripped her hand tighter and led her to a ginormous truck in the parking lot. Without a word Knight lifts her up and places her in the passenger seat before making his way around to the driver's side. "Where to baby?" He asks glancing at her.

"U-um you don't have to drive me. I can walk." He rolled his eyes at this and looked at her expectantly, "Babe I'm not letting you walk home without a coat or at all, to be honest, so where are we going."

She looked down a little embarrassed, she had just moved here and had yet to memorize the address let alone the way to get there. "I-I don't r-really know the a-address" she took a deep breath hoping he wouldn't judge her. "B-but it's near the movie theatre!" She shouted excited that she remembered a little bit about where she lived. Her excitement lessened when she saw the hard look on Knight's face. "Are you talking about the small little theatre with the giant rock out front?" Knight asked knowing it was the only theatre in town but silently praying he was wrong and that his princess didn't live in the absolute worst part of town. "Yep, that's the one!" Delilah replied remembering how she wanted to stop and play on the rock but didn't have time before she needed to get to school. "Shit," Knight said quietly earning a glare from Delilah. "Sorry Baby." He said with a sigh and started driving to what she assumed was her house.

"Alright baby, you're going to have to direct me from here. Any of these houses look familiar?" Knight questioned wearily eyeing the rundown houses with bars on the window. Now normally Knight isn't one to judge, but the thought of his princess living somewhere this unsafe made him uneasy. He knew how bad things could get in places like this. Delilah's voice broke him out of his thoughts when she said: "oh I actually live in an apartment building." Knight nodded now knowing exactly where she lived as there was only one apartment building in this area.

Knight stopped the car across the street from the building and turned off the car getting out. Delilah was confused as to why he got out too but when he opened her door and lifted her out she figured it was just to help her out of the giant truck. "well t-thanks for the ride. I-I don't know how I would have gotten h-here without you." Delilah said appreciatively turning to go inside the building.

"hold on there princess. I'll walk you in just to make sure you make it safely." Knight said grabbing her hand to cross the street. "t-thanks" she said blushing. "what floor is your apartment on?" Knight questioned after noticing the lack of locks on the front door meaning anyone can have access to the building. "oh it's on the first floor, w-which is great cause the elevator is broken." Delilah said leading them down a hall. The lack of lighting in the hallways only confirmed Knights thinking that Delilah was not safe in this building. When they arrived at the door to her apartment Delilah bent down and lifted a small mat that was placed at her door and retrieved a key. "Under the mat? are you kidding me, Delilah, anyone could get access to that key and be in your apartment right now." Noticing the fear growing in her eyes at his raised voice Knight calmed down and softened his voice. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout. I just got worried about your safety. Let me go in first and check things out, wait here by the door for me ok?" He said opening up the door and positioning Delilah just inside. "That's really not necessary, I-I'm sure e-everything is fine," Delilah argued but it fell on deaf ears as Knight started looking around her small apartment, walking into rooms, and checking in closets.

Due to the size of her apartment, it only took Knight a minute to check it for any danger but he did take the time to notice that the tiny one-bedroom looked to be absent of any habitant other than his Delilah. Coming back to the front door he decided to voice his confusion. "Delilah, where are your parents, are they just at work cause I would feel better if I stayed here until someone else came home to stay with you." Delilah giggled a bit, "well you might be staying a long time then b-because I l-live here alone." As soon as the words left her mouth Knight grabbed her hand and began walking towards the door. "Nope, no way am I leaving you here by yourself. You're coming with me."

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