Chapter 8

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At that moment she felt as if the water simultaneously pushed and pulled her down. She tried to take a big gulp of air before she went under but instead took a big gulp of water. 

Panicking she flailed around, trying to hold on to anything as she felt herself descending. Her previously clamped shut eyes flew open when she felt something move passed her. The water was dark and rowdy, causing her to see nothing more than silhouettes of shapes. 

Regaining her senses she tried to swim back to the surface, but she felt her body getting heavy... She felt her arms slowly trying to give out as the surface remained too far away. 

From the corner of her eye, she saw something approaching... Right before the light faded she felt two arms encase her as she noticed a pair of bright green eyes...

"Delia?" A voice sounded from beside her. "Delia?!" It said a little bit more frantic. 

Slowly she started to fade into consciousness, slowly becoming more and more aware. As the voice she heard got louder and louder she started to feel a hard surface beneath her, and then suddenly the uncontrollable need to cough. 

She bolted upright and started coughing spouting out water. 

"Woah there, careful." She heard the voice, whom she identified as Damian, say from beside her.

As the coughing got less and less and most of the water seemed to have vacated the system, she started to notice a third person there. The hard surface underneath her had been the deck of the ship and on her left sat Damian, and on her right, much to her surprise, Gabriel. 

Confused and with still burning lungs she tried to speak, causing yet another coughing fit. At that moment Damian grabbed her by the arm and Gabriel put a hand on her back. 

"How do you feel?" Gabriel said, with a worried look in his eyes, but a kind smile. 

"I..." Delia managed to get out, "I've... been better."

"I can imagine," Damian said with a soft, yet awkward chuckle. 

"What..." Delia started still trying to catch her breath, "Ha-"

"What happened?" Damian asked, "Well we're lucky that Gabriel here was in the area, that's what happened. He saw the trouble we were having from his boat, and when you fell in he immediately jumped into the water. Truly one of the best swimmers I have seen." 

"I did what anyone would do," Gabriel said shaking it off. 

"His boat?" Delia asked, "What boat?"

"The one over there," Damian said pointing behind her.

Almost a little too quick Delia turned around to see what he meant. Sure enough, there was another boat behind them. "But I didn't see any boat..." She said. 

"Yeah we did," Damian replied, "Remember how we went past each other? You two waved at each other." 

Confused Delia started to think back to their way over to that point. She distinctly remembered that they didn't run into anyone. They had even discussed how strange it was for that area. 

"What do you mean?" She asked, looking at both the men beside her.

She was about to say something else when Gabriel started speaking, "I think maybe you hit your head, and that's why right now you don't remember. It will most likely come to you later, right now we just got to get you to a doctor." 

"Yeah, I think that's the best plan." Damian agreed. 

"No guys I feel fine," Delia interjected, "I feel like my insides just got flushed, but I'm sure there's nothing really wrong." 

"No headache?" Gabriel asked, looking at her intently.

"No I'm fine, I just feel a little manhandled by the ocean."

"Alright, well, in any case, let's get you back to the mainland,"  Gabriel said, holding out his hand for her to take. 

Swiftly he helped her up, as she felt the towel that they put over her slip off. She now became acutely aware of how absolutely drenched she was and a shiver went over her. 

"Are you cold?" Gabriel asked with furrowed brows.

"I'll get another dry towel," Damian said as he walked away. 

For a moment Delia just stared at the other boat. She was sure that she hadn't seen it before, nor had she seen Gabriel that day... "Strange," She said just loud enough for him to hear, "I truly cannot remember seeing you before." 

Gabriel let out a little chuckle, "Are you sure you don't have a headache? I think that it'll come to you later." 

"I hope so..." She muttered as Damian emerged with another dry towel.

"Here you go," He said handing it over to her, "Now let's get you back to the mainland." 

"I'll get back to my own ship, and I hope you feel better soon," Gabriel said before stepping into his own boat.

"Thanks again for all the help," Damian yelled after him, "I hope we see you again." 

Delia yelled a quick goodbye as she sat down a bench behind her. 

"What kind of accent do you think that was?" Damian asked as he started the engine.

"No clue... Europe maybe?" 

"Maybe... But I don't know any languages that sound like that...

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