Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Stella," Harry said, making her look up at him with her doe eyes. "I need to tell you something." He said, clearing up his throat that suddenly felt dry and scratchy.

"What is it?" She asked, her face growing in concern as she noticed that he was being serious and looked scared. This wasn't a sight she was used to.

"I don't know how you're going to respond to this but I need to get it off of my chest and put it out there for the sake of my sanity. You have become a good friend of mine.  We have our ups and downs but I love being around you. You always know how to make me feel better and you constantly inspire me and challenge me. I look forward to seeing you and find myself longing until our next encounter. I love when we sit together and talk about life and then write songs. I also love the way the right side of your lip curves up a bit more than your left side when you're really happy and I find your little dimples really cute. You are stunning on so many levels and constantly leave me breathless. Basically what I'm trying to say here is that I've found myself falling for you." He finally came out and said what he had thought about doing for weeks.

He watched as Stella's lips parted ever so slightly, her breath picking up at Harry's confession. She opened up her mouth to say something but closed it back after she realized she was mind-boggled by the news. The two sat in silence for a few seconds that felt like years. Harry gulped, looking away from Stella. He got up from her bed and started to walk to her door, knowing that he shouldn't have said anything.

"Wait, Harry." She stood up, calling after him, her voice coming out as fragile.

Harry turned back around and looked at her, trying to hold himself together. He was completely and utterly vulnerable in front of her, dropping his cool act and letting his face show every emotion he was feeling and every thought he was thinking. He waited for her to continue on but she couldn't seem to find the words. She couldn't figure out how to say what she wanted which only made Harry feel hopeless. He turned back around and headed back towards the door, opening it up and getting ready to walk out until something in his brain clicked. 

Harry walked back over to Stella and just went for it, letting his desires are over. He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her body into his and cupped his hands on her cheeks, pulling her face to his and connecting their lips to one anothers. Stella stood there, stunned, by what was happening. However, she responded back, their mouths speaking an unspoken language that they both somehow knew. Whatever stupid promise she made to Sean was out the door. She didn't care.

Stella felt like her heartbeat could be heard by everyone in California as it pounded in her chest, and rather quickly. She got that same feeling in the pit of her stomach like she normally did whenever Harry was around. The kiss was everything that they had longed for. It was passionate, sweet, and memorable. Their lips easily melted against each others and made them feel as though they were intoxicated. No amount of alcohol could ever make Stella feel like she did in that moment.

Time felt like it had stopped but it came to bite them back in the ass. More specifically, it came to bite Harry in the ass as Stella came to the realization of what was happening. As soon as her senses kicked back in, she immediately pulled away from Harry and looked away from him. Harry frowned ever so slightly as he worried about what had gone wrong within those few seconds of pure bliss.

"What's wrong?" He asked, scared to hear what she had to say.

"This isn't right. I'm still with Sean." She said, feeling guilty for kissing Harry hours after Sean had confessed his love for her.

Despite not liking Sean in that way, she wanted to officially end things before she started anything with Harry. It didn't feel right to make-out with Harry while Sean laid in bed, thinking that she was thinking of him.

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