Part 2.3

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Rebecca Merrington- President of Criminality and Investigation at the Australian Data Base:

Rebecca's POV:

That was the first time I have ever heard of someone trying to raise a child of our community out in the open right under our noses. I made my way to my office where I sat behind my desk, I just tried to wrap my head around the mess. I couldn't believe Piper Godfrey, a descendant from the founding family would even try to pull a stunt like that.

"Mrs.Merrington, your mother is on line 1." Lilith the secretary stated. "Ms, is it true that there are people within our community trying to steal our children?" she asked. I looked at her confused. Is this what the people of our community were thinking?

"No, Lilith. Everything is fine. You don't have to worry about your children. Go ahead and take the rest of the week off." I reassured her. I picked up the phone and began to talk to my mother."Hello, mother." I began our conversation.

"Rebecca, I have been hearing that there was a child of our likeness stolen from the American Community...." she began yelling.

"Yes, there was Mother but I have the situation under control. Her parents are no longer alive so I am trying to see what I want to do." I replied back

"Well you know I have always wanted a grand-daughter." she implied.

"Mother I need to go. I have to speak with the child and see if she has any reminisce of what happened in America." I informed before hanging up.

I gathered my things before heading to the containment room that Maxine was in. She was sitting there crying, I looked at the picture of her mother from America and could see that there really was a resemblance. "Good for their technology," I thought to myself.

I walked in and she jumped up from her chair, "Where's my mommy and daddy?" she stuttered.

"See here child your mother and father have done a bad thing and they will no longer be your mommy and daddy. You will be given a new mommy and daddy." I answered Frankley.

She sat there in the corner looking at me, I saw tears begin to roll down her face and she grew red.

I didn't even have to call for security to come in and have her moved to a holding facility. I had to go and meet my husband at the men's club.

20 Minutes Later

I had arrived at the men's club and if I'm being honest I didn't know what I was gonna do with the child. I guess I was deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Simon and the bys had gotten in the car. On our way home we talked about their day and how they got to see what the father was actually in charge of.

"Dad does some pretty cool stuff." Nicolas smiled. I looked at his eyes through the rear-view mirror. I remember the day of his rebirth, he was so scared. My mother and the rest of the family just couldn't wait to meet him. Then came Alexander, I couldn't imagine what I would do if anyone took them from me.

When we arrived home the boys headed separate ways while Simon and I talked in the kitchen. "I am pretty sure you heard about what he hell happened at work today?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, I did. I wanted t know how you were you going to handle the situation," he replied.

"First and formest the child in confinement for her behavior. I think that I want to...." I began."Want to what?" Simon poked. I bit my bottom lip and looked into his large eyes.

"I think I want to rebirth her. I mean we always talked about having a girl. And even Mother called me today about it." I smiled kissing him.

"You always do this to me." He smiled. "You know I can't tell you no."

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