Chapter Seven

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Leaving Charlotte behind, he chased the golden hair out onto a balcony. The girl stood with her back to him. Her elbows propped her up against the balcony railing. Her hair sparkled like the stars in the sky. The breeze ran through it, gently. It was down, but obviously washed and brushed through. Small ornaments and flower buds were perfectly placed in between braids and curls. Her hair almost reached her waist. Her dress, a very different dress than before was a little too long, obviously borrowed. It was a rich green color, adorned with purple lace and a pattern of gold vines. And peaking out of the bottom of her dress are a pair of light brown boots, not very worn in.

Darius tiptoed up to the creature, careful not to disturb her, and when he finally stood next to her, he looked over at her face. And what a beautiful one it was. Her full, rosy cheeks perfectly offset her slim but large green eyes. Her brows were so thin and dignified as opposed to her free and wild eyelashes. Her chin was small and pretty, not distracting from her fine features. And her mouth was thin and rose pink, complimenting her eyes.

Gulping silently, Darius racked his brain for something to say and finally decided on, "are you enjoying the ball? I don't believe we've been introduced."

The woman turned to him and smiled softly. Her smile lit up her whole face, and she flowed in the sunset's rays.

"Isabelle," was how she responded. She held out her hand for a handshake.

Darius was so taken aback he almost turned on his heel to run away, but noticing the politeness in her eyes, he took her hand as an equal.

"Nice to meet you, Isabelle," he responded. He was nervous, scared that this girl was a fairytale- bad news- a fraud- something that would confirm William's worries. He was scared to open up to her, scared to actually try and give her a chance. He almost turned on his heel and ran away but instead he asked, "I've seen you about in the forest some times. Do you live around here with any family?"

She blushed. "I live with my mother and father and two younger sisters in a cabin off the side of the woods."

Her response was so honest, so unabashed that Darius was taken aback. He didn't feel like running away though.

"With three younger sisters, your family must be looking for a husband for you," he almost laughed.

"No. I'm fine as I am, thank you," she responded not at all offended.

"I also have a younger sister," Darius continued, "she can be troublesome sometimes but I dote on her."

"My sisters are always troublesome, but then again they are only ten and seven."

"So you are the only one out? Pray how old are you?"

"Not three and twenty."

     "You weren't offended at me asking you that?"

     "Should I have been?"

     "No. What do you do for fun, Miss Isabelle?"

     "I play."


     "Well yes, that too."

     "What do you mean, you play?"

     "Come on." Isabelle took ahold of Darius's hand and led him into the forest. Fireflies lit their path as she climbed over branches and stomped through mud. Darius followed her, and soon they reached the clearing. The grass reached up to their knees and was wet due to the rain. Isabelle spread her arms out as if she were trying to fly.

     "Try it," she exclaimed.

     Darius did try, but his jacket kept his arms down. He ripped of his jacket and loosened his bow and stuck his arms straight out into the air. Isabelle laughed, spinning.

     "I've never felt so free," Darius exclaimed.

     Isabelle ran to the mossy area, and bending down scooped some up and threw it into the sky. It rained down softly, picked up by the wind.

     Then came a thunderous crash from the sky. The clouds parted and rain poured down on the couple. Darius started to dart, but Isabelle pulled them back and they began to dance together, rain showering around them.

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